Usually when you are starting your attention span is something like 25 minutes. The moment you get bored, think you learned a lot etc., have a break
Then after you’re done studying reward yourself.
Over time you will train your span to be longer and longer.
Create a studying environment
Without distractions, without any non-studying cues.
If you don’t have an extra place for studying, get at least studying item f.e. lamp - lamp you only use for studying
What to study
Concepts > Facts
Concepts are remembered, facts are often forgotten
Facts can be googled.
Concepts are useful even alone, facts alone often serves no purpose.
Knowing concepts speeds up learning.
If you can give things meaning (practical use, association with something you already know) you will remember it more likely.
The more active you are in your learning, the more effective you’ll be.
Sleep well, sleep is essential for learning
Recollection vs Recognition
Recognition gives you fake perception that you know the information. it is triggered by a cue. → avoid cues when studying (highlighted text, a picture etc.)
How to study
Review your notes
Right after you finish taking notes spend at least 5 minutes to review them and expand everything you can.
Teach others
To test yourself if you really understand the information, try to teach it to someone. Even doing a dialogue with yourself or writing it out on a piece of paper helps.
Studying from books
SQ3R - Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
Go through chapters and raise questions from pictures etc. → you will look then for answers