This is Service Design Thinking

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Hodnocení: 70 %

Přidáno: 24.03.2022

This is Service Design Thinking   Mark Stickdorn

This is Service design thinking


Co je Service design? 

Definice: Service Design as an interdisciplinary approach that combines different methods and tools from various disciplines. It is a new way of thinking as opposed to a new stand-alone academic discipline.

„Service Design helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations.“

Service design má pět pincipů:

1, User centered: Services should be experienced through the customer’s eyes.

2, Co – creative: All stakeholders should be included in the service design process.

3, Sequencing: The service should be visualised as a sequence of interrelated actions.

4, Evidencing: Intangible services should be visualised in terms of physical artefacts.

5, Holistic: The entire environment of a service should be considered.

Marketing vs. Design service

Understanding value and the nature of relations between people and other people, between people and things, between people and organisations, and between organisations of different kinds, are now understood to be central to designing services.

Marketing is about organisations creating and building relationships with customers to co-create value; design aims to put stakeholders at the centre of designing services and preferably co-design with them.

Nezáleží na tom, jestli je marketing podmnožinou designování služby nebo naopak. To na čem záleží je rozumět hodnotě pro zákazníka a podstatě vztahů mezi lidmi, organizací, produkty a dalšími lidmi.

Conceptual product design

focuses on combining several product design perspectives: a user-centred design approach, a variety of qualitative and quantitative research and data gathering approaches, and visualisation techniques such as sketching, imaging and prototyping.

Where the product design process aims toward a product launch, conceptual design can play several roles in supporting a company’s business objectives and organisational processes.

Desirability – jak z dobrého udělat skvělé

A high level of desirability is not for everyone. It requires strong internal alignment, a strong brand and a good knowledge of managing design.


Strategic management: why corporations do what they do

„In 2005 W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne came up with their concept of “Blue Ocean Strategy” (BOS), which demonstrates how to overcome the traditional management paradigms of positioning, generic strategies and value chains. Besides recapping these established management concepts, this article explains how service design thinking at different strategic levels makes the perfect ingredient for creating a Blue Ocean in uncontested market spaces.“


-       Why don’t the most common management models offer sufficient arguments for better service design?

-       What is the role of Design Thinking in overcoming this situation?

-       How can service design create a Blue Ocean by Design Thinking?

-       Why do businesses create/accept bad service?

-       What is the role of management education in this context?

Příčinou vzniku špatných služeb je vrcholový management který rozhoduje na strategické úrovni. Jak dokládá 5F od Portera, jsou službě nebo produktu velmi vzdálení. Řešení nabízí Design Thinking, který jako disciplína vrací službu nebo produkt na vrchol a propojuje všechny stakeholdery. Na místě je také zmínit možné implikace pro strategii Blue Ocean. Díky vstupu na nový trh, rychlosti iterace a zaměření se na „málo je někdy víc“ můžeme pomocí SD rychle působit na nových trzích.

The concept of T-shaped people

was introduced to the design and innovation field by the design consultancy IDEO (Kelley, 2000). The idea behind the metaphor is to indicate that most professionals have both a deep expertise in a given field and a broad understanding of other fields they encounter in their work. In strategic and innovative projects, as many service design projects are, various T-shaped people with different backgrounds and roles are working together as part of the same team.

Tools of service design thinking

A framework for service design processes.

Damian Newman ho ilustroval iterační proces service designu takto:

Já si dovolím oponovat myslím, že by měl vypadat spíš takto:

Iterování je nekonečný proces a lidé, zákazníci se neustále mění. Tomu musí odpovídat i iterování produktu pomocí design service.

Prvním nástrojem je Double diamond – ten moc dobře známe: divergence a konvergence s body: Discover, define, develop, deliver.

Další nástroje

Stakeholders map:

Is visual or physical representation of the various groups involved with a particular service.

Service safaris

During a service safari, people are asked to go out “into the wild” and explore examples of what they think are good and bad service experiences.

Stínování, costomer journey map, nejrůznější rozhovory, 5x proč, storytelling a další …

Service design that helps to understand motivation

Service design využívá nejrůznějších metod výzkumu. Je tedy jasné že jeho použití je totožné s tradičními přístupy k výzkumu. Výhodou SD je propojenost s ostatními relevantními obory. Můžeme jej využít i pro měření motivace jak vysvětluje následující obrázek.


Přes všechny snahy ho potopit SD v moderním managementu vyčnívá díky jeho propojení s ostatními obory. Je podle něj možné vést v podstatě každé oddělení rozhodně se netýká jen produktu nebo služby. Podle pravidel SD může bežet HR, účtárna a další. Jeho implikace toto navíc překračují neboť se dá vztáhnout i na psychologii , životní styl, vzdělávání.

„This type of design is in fact an “active philosophy” dedicated to making space for life. Why should not design – service design – be a love for life? And why should not life, in all its incredible variety, be the key giving us access to design?“ 

Hodnocení: 70 %

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