The Magic of Thinking Big

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 07.03.2024

Myslete velkoryse   David J. Schwartz

Most people concede to "fate" and accept the minimum that comes to them. They lie down and die. Every step forward pays dividends in the future. People apply for lower paid jobs don't even try higher ones, only people who think big.

Myšlenky, které mě nejvíce zaujaly: 

Faith can move mountains

But no one believes that, so they don't. Belief creates the energy to DO IT. Believe you are among the best to act and perform so. Begging with thinking it's not gonna work it won't.Other people see enough of what we see in ourselves. Success isn't based on luck, size of success is determined by the size of your belief.  Think of the world around you as a lab and experiment.

Think of the most successful and least successful person and observe these traits / lack of as the book goes on.

Excucitis - failure disease

Thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than the intelligence you have. Most people assume and concede that they are not smart enough. Negative attitude kills everything.

Knowledge isn't power, knowledge you can use is power. Facts don't matter, it's how you can use your brain. Don't use your brain like a garage for facts.

See reasons you can do it not why you can't, think you're winning. Use your brain to make history not record it. Age isn't an excuse people blame success on good luck and failure on bad luck, a way to not take responsibility.but everything has a reason

Build confidence and destroy fear

Fear is the reason for lack of success - Confidence is acquired, conquering fear.

Isolate the fear and take exact action against it.

Count your blessings, be thankful and flow your brain with positivity, only withdraw positive thoughts from your memory bank.

In therapy, you can't change what a person has in memory but can change the view of them.

Most people are not angry at you, you're just a way to let off steam. Nad touto větou jsem myslela po cestě tramvají domu. Připustila jsem si, že tohle dělám přesně já:((

Many people bark but don't bite

How to think big

Never sell yourself short.

People think in pictures, make people see nice pictures.


  1. use big words to express how you are.
  2. Big words to express other people
  3. Use positive words to encourage others compliment
  4. Use positive words to explain plans

It isn't what one has that is important, it's what one is planning on getting.

Practice adding value to:

1. Things

2. people

3. Yourself - investice do sebe sama je ta nejdůležitější!

STOP petty (malicherný) thinking : is it really important? Does it really matter that much

You are what you think you are

If you think you are important, others will too. As thinking regulates action.

Others see in us what we see in ourselves

Give yourself a pep talk before something

Convince yourself you will succeed - když myslím na státnice je to spíše naopak a tak by to nemělo být!

Many people laugh at these because they refuse to believe that success comes from managed thinking!!

Think Right toward people

It's a mark of leadership go take the lead and first steps in a friendship

Always introduce myself

Don't play god on everything. Don't have to approve of what someone else does but don't hate him for it.  World would be dull if everyone was the same.

Find something you can like in everyone, little negative thoughts lead to more and more negatives

Don't get angry with yourself

How to think like a leader

When you treat people well, good things happen

What's the human way to deal with people? No sarcasm, don't put people off. Dignity. - Často se v tomto vidím

Gain insight through solitude (samota)

Many leaders spent time in jail which gave them time to plan.

Kniha mi velmi splývá s ostatními motivačními knihami, které jsem poslední dobou četla. Důraz na to, že je vše jen v naší hlavě, snažit se být laskavý nikdy si nemyslet, že je pozdě na to začít něco nového, neuspěl jsem...nevadí, jdu to zkusit znova. To vše kniha přináší a donutí vás se zamyslet nad hodně hlubokýma věcma a také po dočtení si budete připadat jako nejlepší člověk na světě, ten který může změnit svět. Tenhle pocit mám ráda, jen kdyby mě po pár hodinách neopustil. 

ATP, neboť co bych ráda využila:

Z každé porážky zachránit aspoň něco pozitivního

Zapisovat si vlastní myšlenky

Pokud si budu myslet, že jsem důležitá, ostatní si to budou myslet taky

Najít na každém jednu pozitivní věc

Investice sama do sebe (jakýmkoliv způsobem)

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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