Principles of Marketing (18th edition)

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Přidáno: 03.04.2022

Principles of Marketing   Philip Kotler

Principles of Marketing

Philipp Kotler, Gary Armstrong


Co jsem si z knihy odnesl?

-    Zkoumáme pět konceptů customer &marketplace:

o Needs, wants, demands

o Marketing offerings (product, services, and experience)

o Value and satisfaction

o Exchange and relaitionships

o Markets

-    Customer satifaction: DEPENDS ON THE PRODUCTS PERCEIVED PERFORAMNCE RELATIVE TO BUYERS EXPECTATIONS! (V jakékoli sociální interakci nebo obchodním jednání – vždy jde o to naplnit očekávání kupce – očekává hodnotu za jeho čas nebo peníze, když jí nedostane bude frustrovaný)

-    Customer value delivery network

-    Pochopil jsem retail trochu víc do hloubky

-    Pochopil jsem wholesalling trochu víc do hloubky

-    Stačí trochu uvažovat – je to marketing.

Marketing creating customer value and engagement:

Understand the customer and marketplace needs and wants -> Design a customer valuedriven marketing strategy -> Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value -> Engage customers, build profiteable relationships, and create customer delight -> Capture value from customers to create profits and customers equity.

Marketing myopia – the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers than to benefits and experiences produced by these products.

Choosing a Value Proposition – How it will serve targeted customer – how it will differentiate and position iteself in the marketplace.

A brands value proposition is the set of benefits or values it promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs.

Příklad: JetBlue „You Above All“ by bringing „humanity back to travel“


Defining Market oriented mission

Defining the company mission -> Setting company objectives and goals -> Designing the business portfolio -> Planning marketing and othere functional strategies.

Mission Statement = A statement of the organizations purpose – what is wants to accomplish in the larger environment.

Customer Value-Driven marketing strategy

One must choose the best segments: Market Segmmentation, Market Targeting, Market Positioning.

Strategie pro PLC



Analyzing customer needs

-    Třeba u výběru prodejního kanálu: Do consumers want to buy nearby, or are they wiling to travel to more centralized locations. Would consumer rather buy in person, by phone, or online?

Many companies position themselves on higher service levels and customers willingly pay the higher prices.


Setting budget for promotion:

-    Affordable method – něco plácneš do reklamy, část provize

-    Perecntage of sales method – setting budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales

-    Competetive-Partity method – match competitors

-    Objective and task method 

Creating competetive advantage:

“Taking care of customers no matter what it takes. “ - Na tom se svezla řada obchodníků

CA is advantage over competitors gained by offering consumer greater value.

Dále je na místě zmínit podrobně popsané 4P, 4C, popis marketingového micro i macroprostředí. V rámci předmětu projekt v digitálním marketingu bude tato esej doplněna o ATP pro QuestRush. Ve kterém bude navrhnut komunikační mix na základě STP a STDC.

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