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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 27.09.2023

Mastery   Robert Greene


MASTERY by Robert Greene explores the journey to becoming a master in any field. Through inspiring stories and historical examples, Greene details the essential elements required to achieve mastery, including dedication, patience, and learning from mentors. 

Key ideas: 

You don’t need inborn talent to become a master, just follow the steps of masters before you. 

Ever wonder what makes the likes of Da Vinci and Mozart so extraordinary? Most folks assume it's just innate talent, an inborn genius that sets them apart. But guess what? That's not the whole story. There's no magic connection between natural talent and becoming a master at something. 

Let's bust a myth right here: A study once revealed that many young prodigies fizzle out, while those who didn't shine as brightly in school often outshine everyone later on. It's like the tortoise and the hare – slow and steady sometimes wins the race. 

So, here's the kicker: whether you're a maverick genius or an everyday Joe, the path to mastery is surprisingly similar. The great masters of history, be it Edison, Mozart, Einstein, or Goethe, all followed the same roadmap to success. 

They started by discovering their passion or field, then they jumped into some kind of apprenticeship to soak up knowledge and skills like sponges. Next, they nurtured a creative and open mind, allowing them to see possibilities where others saw roadblocks. Finally, they pursued mastery with unwavering determination. 

Here's the big reveal: You don't need to be born with superhuman gifts, show off early talent, or boast a Mensa-level IQ to become a master. Nope! Just find your passion and take a page from the playbook of the great masters who blazed the trail before you. 




Find your true calling. 

“First, you must connect or reconnect with your inclinations, that sense of uniqueness. The first step then is always inward. You search the past for signs of that inner voice or force. You clear away the other voices that might confuse you— parents and peers. You look for an underlying pattern, a core to your character that you must understand as deeply as possible.” 

“Second, with this connection established, you must look at the career path you are already on or are about to begin. The choice of this path— or redirection of it— is critical. To help in this stage you will need to enlarge your concept of work itself. Too often we make a separation in our lives— there is work and there is life outside work, where we find real pleasure and fulfillment.” 

Work must excite you , it needs to bring fullfilment in your soul 

People need to try more shit, when they are young they all have these dreams and then they start to be too realistic, going for the safe way and end up not trying anything else, that would make them much happier in life 

Go out there and try many things, then stick with what you like and attack it from every angle , when you are good at it, you become really happy about it and you will develop a good relationship with your work, then start mastering it!! 10 000 HOURS  

Mentorship – the unfair advantage 

“The mentor-protégé relationship is the most efficient and productive form of learning. The right mentors know where to focus your attention and how to challenge you. Their knowledge and experience become yours. They provide immediate and realistic feedback on your work, so you can improve more rapidly. Through an intense person-to-person interaction, you absorb a way of thinking that contains great power and can be adapted to your individual spirit. Choose the mentor who best fits your needs and connects to your Life’s Task. Once you have internalized their knowledge, you must move on and never remain in their shadow. Your goal is always to surpass your mentors in mastery and brilliance.” 

The easiest shortcut to sucess is to be around people that already achieve what you are trying to. Its not easy to get to them, but its the ultimate lifehack- for everything. Its an investment for your future, it brings the results sooner. You need to do anythimng to get around these people. Work for them for free, help them with something, get their attention. You can also try to start from the 0, it is possible but it takes more work and time, and we all know time is money, so find the opportunity, create one and get in toach with peple who been in your shoes before and now they made it. And if you are smart, they will show you how. You need to bring some value to them, before they do. 

Favourite quote:

 Robert Greene Quotes Mastery -

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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