Grindset nebo WL balance? Nebo oboje?

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 22.09.2024

Feel good productivity   Ali Abdaal

Feel good productivity


  1. Fake it till you make it. If you are confident you are more likely to achieve the goal. And since confidence is more about a mindset, you can pretend you are an expert on the task.
  2. The process of the work is always in your hands thus you can take ownership of it 100%
  3. How would it look like if I would be more skilled? How can I start teaching others even though I am yet to be expert?


  1. Uncertainty - figure out why are you doing do thing, then you can think about how. If you dont know the why, your brain will be uncertain and it hates this feeling
  2. Improve your goals - instead of Smart goals which are often hardly achievable, make use of NICE goals (Near-term - Daily or weekly, input based - either repetitions or time, controllable - How much can you control the inputs? And energising - How you will make use of the energisers listed above?)
  3. When you will work? Use habit stacking = you use your existing Habits as a trigger
  1. Identify a task you find boring or stressful. Reframe it as an adventure or challenge to make it more engaging.
  1. For a task that seems dull, ask, “How could this be fun?” and brainstorm ways to make it more enjoyable.
  1. Practice viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Reflect on what you learned instead of focusing on the outcome.
  1. Start each day by acting as if you are confident. Visualize yourself succeeding in your tasks.
  1. Choose a new skill to learn or a current one to improve. Set a small, manageable goal to work on this skill each week.
  1. Identify an aspect of your work where you feel powerless and find one action you can take to change your approach or attitude.
  1. Make a list of colleagues or friends who uplift you. Make an effort to spend more time with them.
  2. Find an opportunity today to offer help to someone or ask for help with something you need.
  3. Identify a piece of information that could be useful to someone else and share it proactively.
  1. Take a current goal and clarify its purpose by asking yourself ‘why’ you want to achieve it.
  2. Reframe a goal to make it more NICE (Near-term, Input-based, Controllable, Energising).
  3. Pair a new task with an existing habit (e.g., after brushing your teeth, spend 10 minutes planning your day).
  1. Think of a task you’ve been avoiding and write down what scares you about it. Analyze these fears logically.
  2. Ask yourself: Will this matter in 10 minutes? 10 weeks? 10 years? Use these answers to gain perspective on your fears.
  3. Practice exposing yourself to small, manageable fears to build courage over time.
  1. List any obstacles preventing you from starting a task and devise ways to eliminate or reduce them.
  2. Identify the very next step needed to move a project forward and commit to completing it today.
  3. Set up a system to track your progress, like a journal or digital app, and use it to celebrate small achievements.
  1. Review your current projects and identify at least one that you can pause or delegate to reduce your workload.
  2. Remove distracting apps from your phone or set specific times when you’re allowed to check them.
  3. Schedule regular breaks throughout your day and treat them as an essential part of your routine.
  1. Identify an activity that aligns with CALM principles and incorporate it into your weekly routine.
  2. Plan to spend at least 10 minutes outside each day or bring a small piece of nature (like a plant) into your workspace.
  3. Allocate a specific time each day or week where you allow yourself to do absolutely nothing to recharge fully.
  1. Spend 15 minutes visualizing your ideal life in 10, 20, or even 50 years. Write down what is most important to you.
  2. Define what success looks like for you in one year. List the steps you need to take in the next month to move toward that vision.
  3. Identify three small actions you can take today that will align you closer with your long-term goals.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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