It has been proven by studies that feeling good increases our energy, reduces chronic stress and brings you more fullfilment in life.
Grind can be beneficial short-term but its not sustainable at all since there is always more and more work so you will stay under stress for long time.
Ali’s story when he started working as a doctor during Christmas
Energies with fun
Make it a game, an adventure. You are exploring different parts of the map, doing side quests
How would it looked like if it would be more fun - make adjustments, e.g. music, invite friends
Lower the stakes because when they are high, you are more stress and take the work more seriously. View your work as game of monopoly - you take it serious enough to have a chance to win but still having fun during the game
Energize with power
Power means you are in control, you have the autonomy the confidence to do the work.
Fake it till you make it. If you are confident you are more likely to achieve the goal. And since confidence is more about a mindset, you can pretend you are an expert on the task.
The process of the work is always in your hands thus you can take ownership of it 100%
How would it look like if I would be more skilled? How can I start teaching others even though I am yet to be expert?
Energize with people
Life is more fun when having people friends around
Treat others as comrades (it’s our win) rather than competitors
By asking for help as well as lending hand you build relationships
It’s really hard to overcome I ate so if you have something positive to say say it as much as you can
Its a symptom of feeling bad - treating the symptom doesnt resolve it in the long term, you should try to resolve why you are feeling bad
Uncertainty - figure out why are you doing do thing, then you can think about how. If you dont know the why, your brain will be uncertain and it hates this feeling
Improve your goals - instead of Smart goals which are often hardly achievable, make use of NICE goals (Near-term - Daily or weekly, input based - either repetitions or time, controllable - How much can you control the inputs? And energising - How you will make use of the energisers listed above?)
When you will work? Use habit stacking = you use your existing Habits as a trigger
1. Seriousness is Overrated: Embracing Playfulness in Work
• Approach Work with Adventure: See your tasks as opportunities for adventure, like a game filled with surprises and challenges.
• Find the Fun: Even mundane tasks have an element of fun. Ask yourself how you can make a task enjoyable and restructure it around that idea.
• Lower the Stakes: Don’t take everything too seriously. Viewing failures as learning experiences rather than setbacks can reduce stress.
• Actionable Steps:
Identify a task you find boring or stressful. Reframe it as an adventure or challenge to make it more engaging.
Mám nechut dělat portfolio na předmět Ekonomie pro podnikatele - nevidím v tom přínos. Mohl bych si však dát výzvu, abych použil chatgpt co nejefektivněji na vypracování portfolia. Úspěšný postup pa kzobecnit, sepsat a později použít na podobné úkoly.
For a task that seems dull, ask, “How could this be fun?” and brainstorm ways to make it more enjoyable.
Momentálně si znova pěstuji návyk psaní esejí - zkouším eseje psát úplně jinak, např. teď jsem si nechal od chatgpt vygenerovat shrnutí z každé kapitoly a ke každé z nich akční kroky a budu se snažit všechny akční kroky splnit.
Practice viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Reflect on what you learned instead of focusing on the outcome.
Poslední 3 akce Green Glazz byly dost propadák - jedny z prvních které byly po zaplacení hodinovky ztrátové - celkem šok když 8 předchozích akcí byly extrémně úspěšné (20tis Kč obrat a více). Je to pro mě velké zklamání - vůbec jsem to nečekal. Vede mě to k hlubší pochopen každé akce pro kvalitnější evaluaci zda bude zisková - už nestačí pouze počet návštěvníků, ale: 1) Jaký je počet účastníků v čase naší účasti na akci? Zeptat se stánkařů z minulých let. 2) Jak velký je areál akce a kde bude náš stánek? 3) Jaké bude počasí - déšť a horko lidé nemají rádi plus o prázdninách moc nejsou doma (Praha je dost prázdná)
2. Empowering Yourself: Increasing Personal Power
• Build Confidence: Confidence isn’t fixed; you can develop it by adopting a mindset of self-belief and acting as if you’re already confident.
• Level Up Your Skills: Continuously learn and improve your skills. Teach others what you know to reinforce your learning and boost your confidence.
• Take Ownership: Even if you don’t control everything, focus on what you can control, such as your approach and attitude toward tasks.
• Actionable Steps:
Start each day by acting as if you are confident. Visualize yourself succeeding in your tasks.
[ ] Jsem schopný prodejce a dokážu lidem ukázat jejich potřebu v bezstarostné zeleni.
Choose a new skill to learn or a current one to improve. Set a small, manageable goal to work on this skill each week.
Nastavování a plánování realistických cílů
Identify an aspect of your work where you feel powerless and find one action you can take to change your approach or attitude.
3. Energize Through People: Building Positive Connections
• Be a Team Player: Treat colleagues as allies, not competitors. Collaboration can create a more positive and productive work environment.
• Help Others and Seek Help: Don’t hesitate to help others or ask for help. This fosters stronger relationships and mutual support.
• Over-Communicate: Share more than you think is necessary. Effective communication can prevent misunderstandings and build trust.
• Actionable Steps:
Make a list of colleagues or friends who uplift you. Make an effort to spend more time with them.
Find an opportunity today to offer help to someone or ask for help with something you need.
Identify a piece of information that could be useful to someone else and share it proactively.