Coaching for success

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 29.10.2023

Coaching for Breakthrough Success   Jack Canfield

Coaching for Breakthrough Success

Jack Canfield


Jack Canfield is a well-known author and motivational speaker, best known for his work on the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series and his expertise in personal development and success. "Coaching for Breakthrough Success" is one of his books that focuses on the principles of coaching and personal growth. In the book, Canfield shares insights and strategies for achieving breakthrough success in various aspects of life, including career, relationships, and personal development. The book likely contains valuable advice and techniques to help individuals reach their full potential and overcome obstacles to success.


Coaching for Success:

 The book emphasizes the power of coaching as a transformative tool for personal and professional growth. It explores how working with a coach can provide guidance, support, and motivation to help individuals achieve their goals

Coaching, in a nutshell, is an empowering process of drawing out solutions from people through effective listening, asking great questions, using feedback, appreciating, and continuously supporting people to take ownership and be accountable for taking action to realize their goals

Setting and Achieving Goals:

 Canfield discusses the importance of setting clear and specific goals and provides strategies for making progress toward these goals. He offers practical techniques for breaking down larger goals into manageable steps.

Coaching is a goal-driven process, and the main purpose is to enable your clients to achieve better results in their work and lives. The stronger the level of ownership and commitment toward the goals, the better the results will be. One of your key roles as a coach is to take people through an effective goal-setting process while letting them decide on the goals that they are motivated to pursue.

“At the heart of a great coach is a firm belief that each person is a uniquely valuable individual with distinct giftedness and potential for greatness.”



Adding Value to Others

Great coaches understand that fulfillment comes from adding value to others. Coaches add value to people by helping them to find satisfaction in (1) achieving goals, (2) overcoming problems, (3) learning and developing, (4) installing new beliefs and habits, and (5) experiencing fulfillment in their work and lives by uplifting others.

One way to add value is to bring out the best in people and let them lead. A coach uses effective listening and asks the right questions to draw out solutions that lie within his or her clients. Let people lead themselves and make their own decisions, rather than providing the answers. When you stop wanting to control people, you begin to empower them to take responsibility for their choices and actions. Empowerment means people have the freedom to decide and to act. It also means they are accountable for the results. Coaching is about helping people realize their own inner wisdom and release the talent and strengths that lie within them.

Use positive influence to energize people so that they collaborate with you because they want to, not because they have to. Being a good listener, showing interest and asking great questions; providing useful feedback and suggestions; providing continuous support and encouragement, acknowledging progress and showing appreciation, and helping them discover and focus on their talent and strength. Coaches must guide people to find their own solutions.


Listening and Its Importance

Listening is an intellectual and emotional act. Effective listening is an active rather than a passive activity. The key to effective listening is to turn off the focus on ourselves and place it on the other person. We need to listen more and talk less. That is the attitude and the practice that is required of a good coach and leader.

In order to listen to someone, you have to be present. Being present with someone means being on his agenda, being available to interact with him, able to let him know you understand his situation, challenges, resistance, and fears. For the coach and client to hold one another mutually accountable in a coaching session, the coach must be present not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Your mind cannot be somewhere else


Accountability Drives Accomplishments

 People who have been well coached become responsible and committed to executing what they’ve agreed to and capable of accomplishing much more than previously. Constant follow-up by the coach and an accountability partner helps ensure people are kept on track. Getting regular progress reports from your clients keeps them responsible and serious about getting things done.

Keep an updated list of goals and action steps from your client, and ask them to review and update it with you on a consistent basis. A great coach never misses the opportunity to appreciate people for giving good answers to the coaching questions, for making progress, and for their efforts to improve and learn.

 You don’t have to wait until people accomplish their entire goal to acknowledge them. Do it sincerely and often as people make notable advancements in improving themselves and completing their tasks. Be a cheerleader and a huge fan of your client’s successes. Reinforce their achievements in a way that they might not do for themselves.



Koučovanie som si mal možnosť 1 krát vyskúšať na minulom TSku, kde sme riešili medzi sebou problémy z projektu a snažili sa doviesť toho druhého koučovacím prístupom k úspešnému riešeniu.

Bolo to náročné, grow model a pokladanie otvorených hlbokých otázok nie je nič easy, ale veľmi zaujímavé umenie, ktoré sa mi zíde napr. v sales , vedieť sa pýtať správne otázky a zistiť čo naozaj je človekov problém je skill, ktorý vyžaduje veľkú trpezlivosť a cítenie ľudí. Ajked to nie je úplne môj štýl a viac mi sedí mentoring, dá sa z toho veľa zobrať a veľa toho aj o sebe zistiť. Určite by som sa teda chcel tomu viac povenovať a naučiť sa pýtať lepšie otázky.


7. Goals and Action Plans - Coaching for Breakthrough Success: Proven  Techniques for Making Impossible Dreams Possible [Book]

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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