48 laws of power

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Přidáno: 13.10.2023

The 48 Laws of Power   Robert Greene

48 laws of power

Even though Mastery is a great book, it’s not the one that put Robert Greene on the map. The 48 Laws Of Power was. Published in 1998 after taking a big risk, due to quitting his former job, which he hated, the book became a bestseller and has now sold over a million copies.

It’s especially popular with rappers and hip-hop artists, but many celebrities quote from the book and mention the laws’ influence on their lives. 50 Cent is just one of them, with whom Greene ended up collaborating on another book. Most of the 48 laws draw on a specific situation from history, and even though some of them seem to contradict one another, there’s a precious lesson to be learned from every single one.


My personal favorite laws:

Law 6. Court Attention at All Costs

As everything is judged by appearance, you must stand out. Make yourself appear larger, more interesting, and more mysterious than the masses. One way to do this is to surround your name with sensation and scandal. Bear in mind that notoriety of any sort brings power. It’s preferable to be slandered than to be ignored.

A solid counterbalance to this approach is to create an air of mystery around yourself. Keep your cards close to your chest. People are drawn to those who seem enigmatic. An air of mystery increases your presence and creates anticipation – everyone will be glued to your next move.

Law 16. Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor

The more present you are, the more common you appear. Create an air of scarcity around yourself to increase your perceived value. If you currently exist within an established group, intermittently withdraw so that others talk about you and admire you more. 

To do this effectively, you must learn when is the right time to withdraw. In doing so, you force their respect by inadvertently threatening your absence for good. Once you return from your absence, it will appear as if you have been resurrected, and people will be relieved to see you again.

Law 25. Recreate Yourself

Do not accept the role that society has given you. Forge your own identity, one that commands attention. Master your image rather than letting others dictate it for you. Remake yourself into a figure of power as if molding yourself from clay. 

To do this, you must first be self-aware, and you must learn to master your emotions. Then, you must create a memorable character. From here, you can learn to play many roles to adapt to what any given situation requires of you. However, remember that overacting can be counterproductive.


Law 27. Create a Cult-like Following by Playing on People’s Need to Believe

People want to believe in something. By inventing yourself as this cult-like entity, they will follow you and give you untold amounts of power. To become such a figure, you need to follow these steps:

– Keep your words vague and simple but full of promise

– Emphasize enthusiasm rather than the intellectual and the rational

– Structure your group in accordance with the forms of organized religion

– Disguise your sources of income

– Create an us-versus-them dynamic


Law 33. Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew

Find your opponent’s weakness. This is often an insecurity, an untamed emotion or desire, or sometimes a secret pleasure. To do so, look for the following:

– Instances when they behave like a child, which indicates some unresolved trauma in childhood

– Contrasts, as an overt trait often conceals its opposite (i.e., arrogance is often hiding insecurity)

– The weak link, which is often someone behind the scenes controlling their behavior

– Ways to fill the void of their insecurity or unhappiness to wield significant power

– How to encourage their uncontrollable emotion, as they won’t be able to control themselves, and you can do the controlling for them


Law 48. Assume Formlessness

When you're too predictable and rigid, you become an easy target. To stay safe, embrace flexibility, adaptability, and constant motion. Understand that change is a fundamental part of life, and you should embody this idea. Just like water, be fluid and change with the shifting tides of reality. If you refuse to adapt and evolve, you risk losing your power. True power comes from your ability to change swiftly.

For instance, think of how Queen Elizabeth I of England navigated the complex political landscape of her time. She was a master of staying shapeless. She knew when to appear strong and resolute, and when to be flexible and diplomatic, depending on the ever-changing political climate.

In the grand scheme of this book, "The 48 Laws of Power," you'll find that many of the laws circle back to this very principle. The most powerful individuals in history were those who grasped the art of adaptability. They thrived because they knew how to change when circumstances demanded it. So, embrace this law as the heart of all the others, and you'll hold a key to mastering the complex game of power.


Really complex ideas, really dark psychology, and practical tips for manipulating people- sounds cool. This book has it all. 

Create mystery around yourself, be unpredictable, and don't let too many people know about your next moves. Work in silence. LAW6

Create scarcity. Know when it is the right time to leave the party. Let them talk about you. Absence and withdrawal are powerful tricks to create the need for your presence. LAW16

Be whatever you want. Master your emotions and learn to act how the people want you to. Be the constant change and use your character to create many personalities for each situation. Let them believe you are the one. Be adaptable. LAW25

Capture the perception. Talk to the masses. Strong feelings and emotions. Political parties operate like this, it is the exact guide on how to do that. Fight the devil. LAW27

Attack the weakest point. Insecurity. Emotional childhood trauma. Weak links. Happiness and a hedonistic life approach to fill the void. Destroy your opponent mentally. A tactic used in combat sports. Learn how to make them lose their mind. Then you control the situation and you can stay focused. LAW33

Be like water. Adapt. Improvise. Overcome. Powerful people know how to adapt to a situation. Always be on the move. Perspicacity. LAW48


48 Laws of Power: Concise Summary & Insights

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