I have been postponing writing an essay for this book for probably more than 3 months.
Now I will try to explain why.
Cradle to Cradle is not an ordinary book. This is the first book I've read about ecology. Honestly, I started reading it because of the interesting title. But after reading the first 30 pages, I realized that I don't know anything new that I could apply in the future.
In fact, I think that every entrepreneur should take responsibility for his business and, first of all, think not about profit, but about what consequences the business can have on the environment. And immediately, at the initial stage, determine a more environmentally friendly approach to business.
It seems to me that I have not learned anything new for myself, except for a couple of interesting examples. It is clear that you need to start with yourself, but if every businessman does not prioritize in favor of the environment, then sooner or later everyone will be dead.
Caring for the environment is what I was taught as a child, so I think that the main thoughts from this book are what needs to be brought to the masses, what is worth telling children in kindergartens and schools, develop the basis of this topic, and then maybe in the future there will be a generation of green entrepreneurs.