How to grow into a penguin Teampreneur

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 23.09.2024

How to Grow into a Teampreneur   Timo Lehtonen

How to grow into a Teampreneur

Timo Lehtonen

Have you ever been thrown into something so new and unfamiliar that you felt like a penguin in the desert? Well, that’s exactly what it felt like when I first entered Tiimiakatemia. There I was, with a PDF of this book in my inbox, staring at all these strange terms like "Houston Calling," "Rocket Days," and "Forest and Back." It was like stepping into a whole new world where nothing made sense – a land where penguins are everywhere!!! 

Now it's a big part of my life and I love it!!! I read this book before I started this Tiimiakatemia journey, before I met all my teammates and all the people that are a big part of my life right now, before it all started! 

Well I’m only now getting around to writing the essay, oooops. But honestly, it was really nice to look back and reflect on how I view Tiimi now, how it has become such a big part of my life, and how it feels so normal to me compared to the beginning when I didn’t understand all the terms, words, or why the older students were doing what they were doing. Now, it all seems perfectly normal. It made me realize once again how incredibly lucky and grateful I am to study here. So, for all you penguinss out there, don’t worry, at first, it’s going to feel like chaos, but there’s no need to be afraid. Everything will start to make sense, and it’s gonna be fu**ing amazing!

At first, everything felt like chaos (as I said) . I had no clue what all these new words meant. But then I read this book and all the pieces started to fall into place. The book laid out the foundations of this revolutionary way of learning, which, to be honest, was nothing to what I was used to.

The book gave me a lot of reassurance in the beginning. It described the journey of a penguin entering Tiimiakatemia, complete with confusion, chaos, and breakthroughs. It was like reading my own story .The book helped me realize that the uncertainty I was feeling was part of the process. It gave me the confidence to trust the journey, even when things didn’t make sense. 

Core Values to Live By

Over time, this book became more than just a guide. It turned into a source of wisdom that I return to whenever I need a reminder of the principles that drive both Tiimiakatemia and our team. 

- Building relationships and partnerships

- Teampreneurship 

- Continuous experimentation and creating new things

- Learning through practice

- Traveling and embracing international experiences (my favorite) 

These aren’t just abstract ideas; they’re values that we live and breathe every day. And whenever I feel lost or uncertain, I revisit these values to remind myself why we’re doing what we’re doing and that it >make sense!

Failing is Growing

One of the most empowering things about Tiimiakatemia is the emphasis on experimenting and failing. In fact, failure is pretty much encouraged. I mean, when was the last time a school told you, "Go ahead and mess up!"? But it’s through these failures that we learn the most. It’s like taking a leap off a cliff, knowing there’s a safety net of learning waiting for you at the bottom.

At the end of the day, Tiimi is more than just a method of learning : it’s a way of living. The book perfectly captures this journey, from the confusion and chaos of the early days to the growth and development that comes with time. It’s a story about learning not just through doing, but through failing, experimenting, and constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. And much like the penguin in the book, we all eventually find our way – even if it takes a few stumbles along the way.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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