First things first, let me introduce you to the book "First Things First" by Stephen Covey. The book is a guide to time management that emphasizes the importance of prioritizing what is truly important in life, rather than just what seems urgent.
Covey argues that by focusing on what matters most, we can achieve a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose in our lives.
Now, let's dive into five key points from the book that can help you choose your priorities:
Covey's Time Management Matrix:
Covey introduces a matrix that categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance. By identifying which quadrant a task falls into, we can prioritize our time and energy accordingly.
You can apply this to your own life by creating a schedule based on these 4 quadrants. It will help you prioritize your daily activities and also help you filter small daily bullshit tasks.
The Four Human Needs:
Covey argues that to achieve a balanced life, we must address our four fundamental human needs: physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional. By prioritizing these needs, we can avoid burnout and achieve greater well-being.
While I am a big believer that you can improve the most when you focus all of your life energy on one thing only, I understand that to have a great life, you need to find balance and can not only be focused on one thing for a long period of time, because the other parts of your life will definitely suffer. That's why you need to find balance in everything you do, in every area of your life, too much good is not good, and too much bad is not good. You need to keep in mind this lesson in everyday life if you want to be happy. Work on these 4 areas of your life and find balance in them.
The Power of Habit:
Covey emphasizes the importance of developing good habits to help us achieve our goals. By focusing on habits rather than just willpower, we can create lasting change in our lives.
The Role of Vision:
Covey encourages readers to develop a clear vision for their lives and to align their actions with that vision. By doing so, we can achieve greater purpose and meaning in our lives.
The Importance of Saying "No":
Covey argues that saying "no" to certain tasks or commitments is essential for effective time management. By setting boundaries and prioritizing our own needs, we can avoid overcommitment and burnout.
The one that says no most of the time, is the most productive one. If you look at your life, most of the time it is good to say yes to life, to opportunities and it will have a great impact on your life. However, while this is true and I love this concept, sometimes saying no to stuff that does not support your goals, will be a better option most of the time. You need to know yourself and know what you are working on and only engage in activities that will support your goal, anything else is just a distraction and can slow your progress. If you are really serious about your goals, sometimes saying no is the best option on the chessboard.
As for a short review of the book, I would say that "First Things First" is an excellent guide to time management that offers practical and really simple-to-understand, but harder-to-execute strategies for prioritizing what truly matters in life. Covey's insights are backed up by research and presented in a clear, easy-to-understand format. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to improve their focus, decision-making process, and ability to set priorities in their life.
Táto kniha je pokračovaním svetového bestselleru 7 habits of highly effective people od Stephana R. Coveyho, a zameriava sa na často spomínaný ako najdôležitejší návyk tvojho osobného víťazstva a ich návykov- FIRST THINGS FIRST
Tento koncept bol prehodený do rôznych moderných metód ako napr. Monk mode, ktorý je trz v oblasti self – improvement veľmi obľúbený. Je to o tom aby sme náš cieľ/prípadne tie najdôležitejšie veci dávali vždy na prvé miesto pred tými ostatnými. Snažil som sa ho využiť hlavne na začiatku roku, kedy som musel veľa pracovať, mal veľa možností čo robiť vo voľnom čase a nejak som nič nestíhal , takže som ako každý z nás musel nájsť priority. Trvalo mi to dlho ale odskúšal som si to naostro a pochopil , že ak sa chcem v hocičom zlepšiť, musím sa sústrediť iba nato. Zamerať sa teda na 1 vec, alebo pár vecí , v ktorých sa chcem zlepšiť a tie jednoducho povedané masterovať. Je to obdobie , ktoré nemôže trvať dlho a malo by mať pauzy, medzi ktorými si človek trocha vydýchne a obnoví aktivitu aj v iných oblastiach života, pretože ako som už spomínal, tento životný štýl nie je dlhodobo udržateľný a vo všetkom treba mať z dlhodobého hľadiska balans. Je to ale mindset, ktorý Vám pomôže pri splnení vašich cieľov a jednoznačne ich aj urýchli. Každý si môže nastaviť pravidlá aké chce a sústrediť sa na oblasti života, ktoré potrebujú najviac zlepšiť- pre mňa sú to financie (SALES) a fitness. Preto sa budem snažiť nasledujúce mesiace zamerať práve na tieto 2 veci a už sa nebudem snažiť robiť všetko naraz, neni to z dlhodobého hľadiska vôbec efektívne. Monk Mode a tento princíp je teda za mňa super vec, ktorá mi pomohla v tejto oblasti zmeniť výrazne zmeniť mindset a dúfam, že pomôže aj Vám😊