Embracing our beloved Tiimi

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 23.05.2023


How to Grow into a Teampreneur   Timo Lehtonen

Hi! Once again, Im writing an essay all in English. Since I wanted to improve my written English so much, I've decided to write another essay entirely in English, why not, since the whole book is written in English.


This book has served as my first introduction to the concept of tiimiakatemia. Although reading it was quite challenging, as it was in a digital PDF form, I somehow managed to bite through it. The book was so fascinating. I got to understand the concept of tiimiakatemia and its history.

Since the book is so comprehensive. I decided to pin a few things, that fascinated me the most.

Cabin in the woods

The concept of going out somewhere in the woods and spend some quality time with your team is wild. I think it creates good memories and a strong bond between yourself and your team.

„trust the process“

„have fun“

Team contract

Creating a team contract with rules and expected behaviors agreed on by every single member of the team is a good thing for many reasons. Let's explore some of the key advantages in my opinion:

Clarity and Agreement:

A team contract clearly states the expected behavior and responsibilities of team members. 

Setting Standards:

A team contract establishes a standard of behavior and professionalism, whether its inside the company, or outside of the company. 

Resolving Conflicts:

The team contract can include ways to address conflicts. By having a process of conflict resolution. 

Encouraging Accountability:

When team members actively participate in creating the team contract, they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for following its principles. This shared commitment promotes individual accountability and encourages team members to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions and contributions.

Building Trust and Safespace:

By openly discussing and agreeing on behavioral expectations, team members develop trust and strengthen their working relationships. 

Congratulations! You got to the end of my super short essay. There were more things that caught my attention and I would have loved to pin them all, but I'm just too tired to do it. Additionally, since I know that this essay will go unread, I will leave this small message here: Trứng rán cần mỡ, bắp cần bơ. Yêu không cần cớ, cần cậu cơ!

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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