Advanced Selling Strategies by Brian Tracy is a comprehensive guide for sales professionals looking to take their selling skills to the next level. In this book, Tracy shares his decades of experience in the sales industry and provides readers with practical tips, techniques, and strategies to improve their sales performance and achieve greater success.
Throughout the book, Tracy covers a wide range of topics, from prospecting and lead generation to closing the deal and managing long-term customer relationships. He emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with customers based on trust, empathy, and genuine interest in their needs and desires.
One of the key strengths of "Advanced Selling Strategies" is Tracy's ability to break down complex sales concepts into easy-to-understand terms and provide actionable steps for readers to implement immediately. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or just starting out in the field, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to improve their sales performance and achieve greater success in their career.
Main Idea about this book:
The sales profession is one of the most interesting, dynamic, and rewarding business fields available. And to successfully build a career in this field, there’s really only one concept to keep in mind — you don’t have to be a pioneer.
In other words, don’t try and blaze your own trail. Instead, learn from the success of others. Study the sales techniques which have worked for other people in other settings and with other products and services. Evaluate what worked for them, adapt these principles to suit your own specific product or service, and move ahead.
The principles of success remain the same regardless of what you’re selling. All it takes is the ability to adapt and adopt the techniques of sales success to your own needs and requirements.
Key concepts:
80 percent of your success in the field of selling will be determined by what you think about. Therefore, by learning to think the same way the most successful salespeople do, you can improve your performance dramatically and immediately.
The key to sales success lies in doing everything you can to build your self-esteem. The higher your self-esteem, the more successful you’ll be in a sales role.
To build and enhance your self-esteem:
1. Always see yourself as self-employed — the president of your own professional sales company which may presently be subcontracted out to someone else. That means accepting total responsibility for what you accomplish.
2. See yourself as a consultant — a problem solver — rather than a vendor trading money for your product or service. Approach clients with that attitude.
3. Act like a doctor — in the client’s best interests. To do so, you must examine first, then diagnose, and finally prescribe what they need.
4. Think strategically — set clear goals, develop blueprints and plans, act decisively, and don’t be worried about short-term setbacks.
5. Be intensely results-oriented — combine empathy and ambition together in balance as you focus on the effective utilization of your time.
6. Be ambitious — work towards becoming the best in your field. When excellence is your standard, you’ll act differently, more purposefully in fact.
7. Apply Golden Rule Selling — sell to other people the same way you’d like to be sold if you were in the same position.
That way, you’ll always act with honesty and integrity in everything you do.
‘‘The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.’’ — Brian Tracy
The very essence of sales success is to build and maintain high-quality relationships with customers. The only way to do that is with trust and credibility.
Selling professionally is quite simple — it’s the process of persuading someone the value they will receive from your product or service is greater than its cost. Your job is to show this is the best possible use of a person’s money.
The critical factor in sales success is risk. Everything a sales professional does should be aimed squarely and directly at reducing the risk from the customer’s perspective.
The sale process has changed dramatically since the 1970s.
Prior to that time, the generally used sales model was:
10% — Establishing a good rapport
20% — Qualifying the prospect
30% — Making a sales presentation
40% — Closing the sale
Today’s prevailing sales model, however, has reversed the way time is spent. The new sales model is:
40% — Building trust
30% — Identifying specific needs
20% — Presenting solutions to needs
10% — Confirming and closing
Fortunately, closing a sale is difficult. That creates the opportunity for you to prosper and earn tremendous wealth. If closing the sale was easy, all they’d need (and pay for) is an order taker — and anyone on minimum wage can do that.
It’s in handling objections and closing the sale that the sales professional really earns their reward
Objections serve a key role in the sales process:
1. They’re good because they indicate interest.
2. They show where prospects are unclear about benefits.
3. They indicate that people are seriously considering the offer.
The best ways to handle objections:
1. Differentiate between a condition — a genuine reason for not buying that cannot be answered — and an objection — which can be answered with additional information.
2. The best way to handle an objection is to answer it before it comes up. Develop good, solid answers to the most common objections that come up in your presentation
3. Treat objections simply as requests for more detail.
Compliment the prospect for raising that matter, restate it back to them to make certain you have grasped their true meaning, and intelligently and thoughtfully discuss the matter in greater detail.
3. Never take an objection personally.
Some people have a lifetime of conditioning against salespeople. Show you’re acting in their best interests to offset that.
Ideally, you want to get the prospect to specify one condition on which closing the sale will hinge. Once they do that, you then effectively have a closing condition — the hurdle you must cross to complete the sale
. The key closing techniques are:
1. The invitational close — simply and clearly inviting the prospect to take advantage of the benefits your product or service offers.
2. The plan of action close — where the next steps are specified and the focus changes from the yes/no decision to the enjoyment of the product benefits.
3. The preference close — where instead of asking for a yes/no decision, you keep on presenting the choices with regards to payment and delivery until everything is finalized.
4. The alternative close — where the customer is asked to make a decision they only need to make if they go ahead with the purchase transaction. By making the small decision, they’ve also agreed to the larger decision as well.
5. The authorization close — asking them to sign off on the order by giving their authorization on the order form.
6. The order sheet close — where you ask questions and start writing the answers on the order sheet.
7. The ‘‘think-it-over’’ close — where you ask him what it would take to satisfy him to be able to go ahead and make a decision today. Once that condition has been expressed, you then have something tangible to deal with rather than vagueness and an arbitrary ending.
‘‘The world belongs to the askers. Because of their fears of failure and rejection, most people are reluctant to ask for the things that they want and need. They suggest, imply and hint but they are reluctant to ask and be told no. Much of your success and happiness in life will be determined by your ability and your willingness to ask for the things you want.’’ — Brian Tracy
‘‘There are no limitations upon what you can accomplish in the profession of selling except the limitations you place on yourself by your own doubts and fears. When you practice acting boldly and behaving as if it were impossible to fail, you will soon make the quality of courage a fundamental part of your character which will serve you all the days of your life. Your success in selling will then be guaranteed.’’ — Brian Tracy
‘‘There has never been a time or place in all of history where an excellent salesperson could live a finer life than he or she can right now, right here, in our economic system.’’
Túto knihu som si vybral ako prvú na tému sales, keďže bola v knižnici u nás v TAP. Ponúka absolútny a definitívny návod na SALES a objavil som v nej tie najlepšie koncepty a vysvetlenia , ktoré som na túto tému počul
Keby mám odporučiť len 1 knihu na tému SALES tak je to jednoznačne táto. Brian Tracy je veľmi skúsený podnikateľ a jeden z najznámejších autorov na svete, vie predávať a tak ako spomína v jeho hlavnej idey knihy, je dôležité sa tento skill učiť od tých najlepších v obore, bola to taká moja introduction do témy SALES a najviac ma posunula k rozhodnutiu, že sa práve o tento high paying skill, ktorý je potrebný v každom biznise, budem učiť a zdokonaľovať sa v ňom, využívam ho hlavne na pracovných pohovoroch, ktorých som už veľa absolvoval a naučil sa tak ako sa správne predať recruiterom to čo chcú počuť, aj napriek tomu , že ten čas popri škole je obmedzený a full time pozíciu ísť pracovať nemôžem, záujem som vytvoril a to len vďaka tomu, že som sa vedel dobre predať , treba sa učiť SALES, lebo je využiteľný všade, či už v projektoch , v práci, vo vzťahoch a je na ňom založené každé úspešné podnikanie + dá sa to naučiť od úplnej nuly😊