4 hour work week

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 18.04.2023

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden   Tim Ferriss

I choosed this book to be more effective with work on my projects, to move faster.

Tim Ferris lead us through proces from setting what we want from life toho to get there, he use acronym deal






In a first part- define we think about what we really want, what’s the most important, it’s basically goal setting. 

Eliminate is a part which is concentrated on effective work, we are used to stretch our work as much as much time we have, this is called Parkinson law, when we want to change it, we can use Pareto law, which says that 80% of our success is made by 20% of our effort. Feeris recomends to think about time consuming activities and which doesn’t bring us any value and to get rid off them. In part about automatization author recomends to outsource as many activities as possible 

Last Part Liberate is process how to leave our job and be independent.


How to achieve milionare lifestyle?

  1. decided what u want- envision your new dream lifestyle and put it in a timeline- 3/6/12 months
  2. What you want to have (5), what you want to do (5), what you want to be (5)

/don’t sayI want to travel, but write down places you want to visit and what you would like do there/

-) 15 dreams-) choose your top 4

Calculate- how much money you need pre month, increase this number by 30%

I do focuse in this book on Part 1 - define, to me it’s interesting how author recomends to count the amount you need to have your dream life, this part makes me feel like I should be more focused on money in projects than value, to be profitable and achieve my dream life. 

In this book is decribed process how you should work if you have a product, I provide servise, but It inspire me to think about selling new nieche product.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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