17 zákonů týmové práce

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 15.03.2024

17 zákonů týmové práce   John C. Maxwell

Proč jsem si knihu vybral?

Knihu jsem si vybral primárně na základě potřebě ke zkouškám. Neměl jsem s tím však nějaký problém, jelikož jsem před časem studoval vývojové části týmu, a proto jsem se nedivil, že nám ji Gabča zadala – budeme ji potřebovat.


Poznámka na začátek: Jelikož nejsem úplně nejsilnější a nejbližší kamarád s angličtinou, fráze z knihy si nedovoluji překládat. Možná i časem přidám nějaké české slovíčko, pokud nebudu vědět :)


2) The Law of The Big Picture (The Goal Is More Important Than the Role)

A team isn’t supposed to be a bunch of people being used as a toll by one individual for selfish gain. Members of a team must have mutually beneficial shared goals. They must be motivated to work together, not manipulated by someone for individual glory. Anyone who is accustomed (zvyklý) to pulling together people and using them to benefit only himself isn’t a team builder; he’s a dictator.

“If you think you’re the entire picture, you’ll never see the big picture.”

Everything starts with vision. You need to have a goal. Without one you cannot have a real team. If you are the leader of your team, your role is to do what only you can do: Paint the big picture for your people. Without the vision they wouldn’t find the desire to achieve the goal.


5) The Law of The Chain (The Strength of the Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link)

- They can’t keep pace with the other team members.

- They don’t grow in their area of responsibility.

- They won’t work on personal weaknesses.

- They won’t work with the rest of the team.

- They can’t fulfil expectations for their area.

If you have people who display one or more of those characteristics, then you need to acknowledge that they are the weak links. That’s not to say that they are necessarily bad people. In fact, some teams exist to serve weak links or help them become stronger. It depends on the team’s goals. Somebody who is a weak link on your team might be capable of becoming a star on another team. You need to give the person an opportunity to find his level somewhere else.


The Impact of a Weak Link

1) The Stronger Members Identify the Weak One

2) The Stronger Members Have to Help the Weak One – If your people must work together as a team to do their work, then they have only two choices when it comes to a weak teammate. They can ignore the person and allow the team to suffer, or they can help him and make the team more successful. If they are tam players, they will help.

3) The Stronger Members Come to Resent the Weak One – Whether strong team members help or not, the result will always be the same: resentment (odpor). No one likes to lose or fall behind consistently because of the same person.

4) The Stronger Members Become Less Effective – Carrying someone else’s load in addition to your own compromises your performance. Do that for a long time, and the whole team suffers.

5) The Stronger Members Question the Leader’s Ability – Anytime the leaders allows a weak link to remain a part of the team, the team members forced to compensate (vyvažovat) for the weak person begin to double the leader’s courage.


7) The Law of The Compass (Vision Gives Team Members Direction and Confidence)

Great vision precedes great achievement. Every team needs a compelling vision to give it direction. A team without vision is, at worst, purposeless. At bets, it is subject to the personal agendas of its various teammates. As the agendas work against each other, the team’s energy and drive drain away. On the other hand, a team that embraces a vision becomes focused, energized, and confident. It knows where it’s headed and why it’s going there. People on the team need to know why they’re fighting. Otherwise, the team gets into trouble.


8) The Law of The Bad Apple (Rotten Attitudes Ruin a Team)

“Good attitudes among players don’t guarantee a team’s success, bud bad attitudes guarantee its failure.”

If you want outstanding results, you need good people with great talent and awesome attitudes. When attitudes go up, so does the potential of the team. When attitudes go down, the potential of the team goes with it. If you care about your team and you are committed to helping all of the players, you can’t ignore a bad attitude.


9) The Law of Countability (Teammates Must Be Able to Count on Each Other When It Counts)

Team members who can depend on each other only during the easy times have not developed countability.

Character + Competence + Commitment + Consistency + Cohesion = Countability

“There is no substitute for character. You can buy brains, but you cannot buy character.”


10) The Law of The Price Tag (The Team Fails to Reach Its Potential When It Fails to Pay the Price)

Teamwork doesn’t come cheaply. It costs you time – that means you pay for it with your life. It takes time to get to know people, to build relationships with them, to learn how you and they work together. Teamwork can’t be developed in microwave time. The team gets to the top only through the sweat, blood, and sacrifice of its team members.

If you lead a team, then you must convince your teammates to sacrifice for good of the group. The more talented the team members, the more difficult it may be to convince them to put the team first.


13) The Law of Identity (Shared Values Define the Team)

Just as personal values influence and guide an individual behaviour, organizational values influence and guide the team’s behaviour.

“Once you give up your ethics, the rest is a piece of cake.” To a person with no values, anything goes. I think we live in a time when people are searching for standards to live by. When individuals embrace strong values, they posses a moral compass that helps them make decisions. The same is true for people in an organization. When the team identifies and embraces a set of values, then in a month, a year, a decade, no matter how much circumstances change or what challenges present themselves, people on the team still know it’s moving in the right direction and make good decisions.


14) The Law of Communication (Interaction Fuels Action)

If you have ever been on a team where teammates never let one another know what’s going on, then you know how frustrating poor communication can be. The team gets stuck because nobody knows what the real agenda is. Important tasks remain uncompleted because each of two members believes the other one is taking care of it – or people duplicate others’ work.

“Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates.”


17) The Law of Dividends (Investing in the Team Compounds Over Time)

The greatest growth for people often occurs (dochází) as a result of the trial and error of personal experience. Any team that wants people to step up to a higher level of performance – and to higher levels of leadership – must give team members authority as well as responsibility. If you are a leader on your team, don’t protect your position. Give it away. That’s the only way to empower your team.

One of the most difficult experiences for any team members is leaving a teammate behind. yet that is what you must do if someone on your team refuses to grow or change for the benefit of teammates.

“Where there’s a will there’s a way; where there’s a team, there’s more than one way.”


ATP model

U čtení této knihy jsem si konečně uvědomil, co je můj problém, proč se necítím v týmu dobře – jedná se hlavně o zákon spolehlivosti (č.9) a zákon slabého článku (č.5). Mou chybou bylo však, že jsem se nepustil se slabými články v našem týmu do upřímné konverzace a jen si to brblal pod mé mužné vousy. Od teď chci okamžitě své myšlenky ventilovat člověkovi naproti sobě s cílem mu pomoci. V našem týmu jsem na popud této knížky také zmínil, že pro mě nejsou členové spolehliví a společně jsme došli proč tomu tak je. Aktuálně v týmu procházíme fází storming a toto zvědomení se mi velmi hodí. V tuto chvíli cítím, že se v týmu vyčistilo prostředí, že se můžeme konečně vzájemně konfrontovat a já vím, že budu jedním z nosičů této myšlenky. Možná to nebude populární, ale pro budoucí dobro týmu bude lepší konfrontace. Rád bych dal slabším článkům své myšlenky najevo a sdělil jim upřímně své postoje, aby vůbec měli čas na ně reagovat či mi sdělit svůj pohled na situaci.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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