Jordan Peterson´s rules of life

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 26.09.2023

12 pravidel pro život   Jordan B Peterson

12 rules of life

Imagine a special book called "12 Rules for Life" by a smart person named Jordan Peterson. This book helps people figure out how to make their lives better and less confusing. It's like a treasure map for being happy and doing the right things.

You know how sometimes life feels all jumbled up, like a puzzle you can't solve? Well, this book gives us 12 important rules that can help us fix that puzzle and make life better.

This essay is like a big adventure where we will talk about 3 most important rules from this masterpiece and how they can help us. It's like a guide to becoming a better and happier person, just like a superhero's handbook.


Improve your own game, instead of playing others

“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today”

In a highly-connected, populous world, you can always find someone who’s better than you—be it in looks, wealth, status or relationships. No matter what you’ve achieved, you can still feel miserably inferior compared to others. You need to realize that everyone has its own timeline of sucess, sure you must strive and act in a way that makes you get to your goals quicker, but you need to also realize that everyone has its own journey.

Maybe someone started way sooner than you, and they are still not where you are, or maybe they are much further in life , which also is not important , coz everyone can define sucess their own way. So whats the conlusion? You should focus on yourself and compare yourself only with you and how your life is aligned with your goals and vision for yourselve, thats the only important thing there is. Be better than you were yesterday!


Focus on higher purpose, not instant gratification

“Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)”

Many people look at the satisfaction of the needs of today at the expense of the needs of tomorrow. To manipulate the fundamentals of reality for better development, individuals must sacrifice the present for the benefit of tomorrow. There are many times in life where an individual must make decisions that can greatly impact the present or the future. Peterson says that "It's time to let go. It might even be time to sacrifice what you love best so that you can become who you might become, instead of staying who you are." At times, the decision to drop certain things that you may love or enjoy can be the catalyst for future success.

People are generally afraid of change, they fear the unknown and they love staying in their comfort zone- evyryone knows that. You feel good where you are, you have created a good life and everything is fine, but you still need to fill the void, you are not done yet. This simple idea gives you so much power and you dont even know it. If you have a calling, you are not satified yet with your lifes work, you need to let go and try to pursue the calling, even if it means that you will loose the life you have built, you need to do it in order to feel peace with yourself. Move to another country, get another job , restart your life. Always have the focus on the higher purpose , rather than comfort , when you do it this way, you align your values with your life and you will be happy, then you can rest and enjoy your life.


Take time to appreciate the good things in life

“Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street”

Suffering is inevitable and some people just seem to have a worse lot in life than others. Peterson’s own daughter suffered from a rare juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and was plagued with years of chronic pain. If you find yourself wondering about the seemingly-pointless suffering around us, this last rule from the 12 Rules for Life helps us to see things from a different perspective and to balance the good and bad in life so life seems worth living.

This is the most important rule of this book, it shows that event the most succesfull clinical psychologist, who devoted his lifes work to studying peoples mind, is aware of the fact that we all gonna die and what matters the most is the present moment of your lives. People always seem to rush somewhere, stress about everything and end up always rushing without smelling the roses and actually enjoying the flowers of their work. This is why number one regret old people have is, that they should have enjoyed life more. We all gonna have various problems in life, that we would need to overcome, life is hard, you need to work hard, but always have this one idea in your mind , when something is not going your way or you are too stressed, go pet a cat and chill out bro.

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