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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 05.10.2023

Why We Sleep   Matthew Walker

Why we sleep

"In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in today, sleep often takes a backseat in our daily priorities”.

In 'Why We Sleep' by Matthew Walker, we discover that sleep isn't just about rest; it's a crucial process that refreshes our bodies, sharpens our minds, and strengthens our emotions. Walker, a sleep scientist, takes us deep into the world of sleep. He shows us how sleep works, the amazing ways it benefits our bodies and brains, and the serious problems that come with not getting enough sleep. This book encourages us to value the time we spend asleep, about one-third of our lives, because it's the key to our physical health, thinking skills, and emotional well-being.

How Should We Sleep?

Throughout developed nations, most adults currently sleep in a monophasic pattern—that is, we try to take a long, single bout of slumber at night, the average duration of which is now less than seven hours.

Visit cultures that are untouched by electricity and you often see something rather different. Hunter-gatherer tribes, such as the Gabra in northern Kenya or the San people in the Kalahari Desert, whose way of life has changed little over the past thousands of years, sleep in a biphasic pattern. Both these groups take a similarly longer sleep period at night (seven to eight hours of time in bed, achieving about seven hours of sleep), followed by a thirty- to sixty-minute nap in the afternoon.

Apparent from this remarkable study is this fact: when we are cleaved from the innate practice of biphasic sleep, our lives are shortened. It is perhaps unsurprising that in the small enclaves of Greece where siestas still remain intact, such as the island of Ikaria, men are nearly four times as likely to reach the age of ninety as American males.

ATP: 7-9 hodín spánku je ideálny čas nato, aby sa telo v noci zregenerovalo, hocičo menej je pre nás zlé a může nás to negatívne ovplyvniť do budúcna a skrátiť náš potencionálne vysoký vek. Ak je navyše spánok podporovaný aj siestou- teda , že si odpoledne odpočinieme a hodinku si pospíme- power nap, je dokázané , že to predlžuje naše životy a hrá zásadnú rolu pri tom, akého veku sa dožijeme

Alcohol and sleep:

First, alcohol fragments sleep, littering the night with brief awakenings. Alcohol-infused sleep is therefore not continuous and, as a result, not restorative. Unfortunately, most of these nighttime awakenings go unnoticed by the sleeper since they don’t remember them.

Second, alcohol is one of the most powerful suppressors of REM sleep that we know of.

Many people enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, even an aperitif thereafter. But it takes your liver and kidneys many hours to degrade and excrete that alcohol, even if you are an individual with fast-acting enzymes for ethanol decomposition. Nightly alcohol will disrupt your sleep, and the annoying advice of abstinence is the best, and most honest one.

ATP: Ked uz aj pijes, snaz sa po kazdom drinku vypit pohar vody, aby sa rychlejsie rozlozil, pi co najskor vecer a nechaj efekty dozniet celu noc , pi uz len vodu a ked ides rano spat, mal by byt ten spanok lepsi

Get the Nighttime Chills

Thermal environment, specifically the proximal temperature around your body and brain, is perhaps the most underappreciated factor determining the ease with which you will fall asleep tonight, and the quality of sleep you will obtain. Ambient room temperature, bedding, and nightclothes dictate the thermal envelope that wraps around your body at night.

A bedroom temperature of around 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3°C) is ideal for the sleep of most people, assuming standard bedding and clothing.

Knowingly or not, you have probably used this proven temperature manipulation to help your own sleep. A luxury for many is to draw a hot bath in the evening and soak the body before bedtime. We feel it helps us fall asleep more quickly, which it can, but for the opposite reason most people imagine. You do not fall asleep faster because you are toasty and warm to the core. Instead, the hot bath invites blood to the surface of your skin, giving you that flushed appearance. When you get out of the bath, those dilated blood vessels on the surface quickly help radiate out inner heat, and your core body temperature plummets. Consequently, you fall asleep more quickly because your core is colder. Hot baths prior to bed can also induce 10 to 15 percent more deep NREM sleep in healthy adults.

ATP: Vzdy pred spanim sa snaz si dat teplu vanu/sprchu, ktorá ta uvolni a pomoze tvojmu telu sa ochladit, medzitým si vyvetraj doma , aby si mal v izbe cerstvy vzduch a chilly teplotu, ktorá ti pomoze rychlejsie a lepsie zaspat

12 tips for better sleep:

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule
  2. Exercise is great, but not too late in the day. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes on most days but not later than two to three hours before your bedtime.
  3. Avoid caffeine and nicotine.
  4. Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed.
  5. Avoid large meals and beverages late at night.
  6. If possible, avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep.
  7. Don’t take naps after 3 p.m.
  8. Relax before bed. Don’t overschedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding. A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual.
  9. Take a hot bath before bed.
  10. Dark bedroom, cool bedroom, gadget-free bedroom.
  11. Have the right sunlight exposure. Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Try to get outside in natural sunlight for at least thirty minutes each day. If possible, wake up with the sun or use very bright lights in the morning.
  12. Don’t lie in bed awake.


Mat v pohode spánok - ist spat v rozumnu hodinu a ráno vstat bez problemov je challenge, ktorý od covidu nedokazem moc naplnit, urcite nie som sam a tieto tipy su core toho ako to zlepsit, pri dnesnych povinnostiach a zivotnom style je casto problem najst si cas na taketo simple veci, ktore su casto tie najdolezitejsie. Nic ma nedokazalo motivovat aby som chodil spat skorej az na poslednu dobu kedy si raz za cas poviem , ze idem to skusit a ten high , ktory potom rano dostanem a pocit ako sa lepsie citim, je strašne odlisny od bezneho dna a preto to chcem skusit a dat tomu sancu - chodit pravidelne skor spavat a zlepsovat svoj spanok, aby ten high z toho a pocit , s akym prezivam ten deň bol stale lepsi a stabilnejsi.

Why We Sleep - Everything You Need to Know About Sleep (25 Infographics)

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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