Leadership Challenge

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 31.01.2022

The Leadership Challenge   Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes

How does one learn leadership?


The book says, and I agree so far, that the best way is through a constant self-reflection. Thinking about what I could have said, what I could have done differently. Looking back and searching for improvement.


But to help us find what we should be looking, this book provides sth tangable, 5 leadership practices. We can reflect on them and get a better framework of what to look for and what to improve.


MICEE Philosophy

  • Model the way
  • Clarify Values
  • Set the Example
  • Inspire a share vision
  • Envision the Future
  • Enlist Others
  • Challenge the process
  • Search for Opportunities
  • Experiment and Take Risks
  • Enable others to act
  • Foster Collaboration
  • Strenghten Others
  • Encouradge the Heart
  • Recognize Contributions
  • Celebrate the Values and Victories



How to be a great leader?


The whole concept is quite simple, but by no means easy. Aplying leadership in practise is the hardest part I have come across so far. I requires constant energy, to be present and conscious about what we do, what we can do differently and better. It also requires lots of time and discipline. I think putting leadership thinking time into the calendar is esential for learning this skill. We have to be disciplined about it. If we don't do it because of chaos of the day, it might hurt us in a long term.


I think I would also need to focus on just this one skill. For a month at least. Nothing else. 1 skill I would put conscious effort and though every day. Reminding myself of it every morning and looking back every evening. If I balance more plates at once, they will eventually fall, and I won't get any of it.


I find it so hard though. I guess it would need extra extra discipline to sticking to learning just one skill at a time. At least for me. From Tiny Habits I know that Behavior will happen only if there is enough motivation, enough ability and promt (B = MAP). I guess having a strong need (motivation) for learning it, would have helped the discipline.


Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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