The battle for your mind

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 05.07.2024

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind   Al Ries, Jack Trout


The battle for your mind

“The customer is always right and by extension, the seller or communicator is always wrong.“

That´s the number one rule behind every successful business. When you want so sell something you gotta understand that it´s not about you being right but you gotta put the customer in the centre of it. It´s always about them. So even when it get´s to positioning the product or service on the market you gotta realise it´s all about understanding the customer and his needs.

When you want to take the best approach at positioning on the market you gotta be first (nobody remembers the second). So when we were on a death end with our project Blazzin we had an online meeting with Pavel Koláček and he mentioned that we connected two segments of the market such as high fashion and sustainability and we didn´t even realise it how big advantage it is.


How to go against big competitor?

They seem to thing to fight fire with fire but the truth is to fight fire with a water. In other words, you don´t wanna be same as your competitor but you gotta do things differently.  


Cherchez le creneau – look for the hole and then fill it

·      The size

·      High-price

·      Low-price

·      Other

For example our advantage in project Blazzin could be sex. Why make blazers only for woman when you can position your marketing on gay man also and help them embrace their identity.

The power of the name

             The name should tell us what the major benefit is. If you´re first at something the name would be remembered either way.

             Most common initial letters – S, C, P, A and T

Least common initial letters – X, Y, Z, Q and K

Rules to follow:

·      No shorthand

·      No initials but full name

·      New product = new name

If you´re consistent and have a good product there is a saying that: “In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes” so when you´re 15 minutes arrive, make the most of every second. That´s also what Jan Tobiška told me on our customers meeting and that is that when you´re consistent there is no other option than success. Bcs when life gives you lemons you make lemonade so basically you look for opportunities in life and make the best out of it.


             Take Big brand like Coca-Cola for example. The manufactures sees it as a company, brand name, an institution and great place to work at but consumer sees it as a sweet, dark, carbonated beverage.

So I gotta ask myself. How I see Blazzin and how I want our consumer to see us? There is a big difference between those two.

             Another important thought is that if we wanna make something else rather than blazzers we should start a new brand. The same approach had another book The Marketing plan for one page where they also recommended to focus on just one product and use it as our social media advantage as well.


             Positioning myself and my career  

·      Select one specific concept to hang your hat on

·      Make mistakes

·      Try smarter not harder

·      Make business friends


The ending

             This book helped me to realise two important lessons. One is that to position your product or service is to look outside of the box and realise what is our biggest advantage what we´re first that a it will helps us at many ways.

             The second is that Tiimiakatemia is the best place for positioning myself and my career. And that´s a fact.


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