The Role of HR in Business

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 29.03.2023

Mistrovské řízení lidských zdrojů   David Ulrich

Essay on

Human Resource Champions

by Dave Ulrich

Human Resources is an area that I haven't gotten into  a lot so I wanted to broaden my knowledge in HR. Dave Ulrich explains what role HR has and should have in business and how its role is about much more than just administrative tasks. Dave believes HR is an important partner in accelerating business.

Dave created the HR value proposition, which is a model that defines contributions of HR professionals to the organizations. This model is based on four key roles: Strategic Partner, Change Agent, Administrative Expert and Employee Champion.


As a strategic partner, HR professionals should understand the business strategy and have their HR practices aligned with it. HR should be therefore taking part in implementing the company's strategy and measuring the impact of HR activities on the business results.

As administrative experts, HR professionals should ensure that HR processes are efficient and effective. This means managing employee records, payroll, benefits, and compliance with laws and regulations.

As employee champions, HR professionals should take care of employees and create a positive work environment. They should proactively work on some kind of system to find out and understand problems of employees and help them grow inside the company. 

As change agents, HR professionals should be able to manage change activities. They should also be able to spot out bottlenecks of the system and implement changes through their strategic focus.

Daves concept is based on HR professionals being skilled in all four of the roles explained above in order to be effective. A part of their effectiveness is also cooperating with other departments of the company, like operations and finance. From my experience the cooperation between HR and marketing was very fruitful in terms of organizing events for the company's community and working on shared vision and values.  

One of the key takeaways from the book is that HR professionals need to be able to demonstrate the value of their work to the organization. This means measuring the impact of HR initiatives on business results and communicating that value to senior leaders.

Overall, HR professionals should focus on strategic work rather than reactive administration and measure the impact of their activities on business results.

I think that this book definitely deepened my knowledge about HR and overall increased  my time thinking about the role of HR in businesses and how they fit in between all of the other departments.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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