Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Francesc Miralles and Héctor García
How to live till 100? Well let's see what is the Japanese secret to long and happy life.
Let's start with explaining what exactly IKIGAI is and what it means. Ikigai is often translated as '''the reason for being'', embodies the idea of finding one's life purpose, the reason you wake up in the morning. But how am I supposed to find my ikigai? Well there are four tenets you need to consider to discover your purpose in life. First one is doing what you love. When you are engaging in activities you are passionate about and bring you joy it becomes your passion. Second one is doing what you are good at. When your love aligns with your skills, it forms a strong foundation for personal satisfaction. Third is about serving others. If your passion also serves a need in others, it becomes your mission. This sense of contributing to society adds a layer of meaning to your actions. The last one is earning a living. While the first three tenets provide intrinsic motivation, the fourth tenet acknowledges the practical need to earn a living. Doing something you love and are good at, which also meets a societal need, and earning from it ensures a sustainable and comfortable life.
Finding your ikigai often leads to a state of flow, where you lose track of time due to deep focus in an activity.
However, finding your ikigai isn't enough to live a looong life. Book maintains it requires good self-care. Author highlights four areas that are crucial for well-being. Let's see
Ichigo Ichii and Wabi Sabi, what is it
Ichigo Ichii is a concept that teaches appreciation of each moment. Focusing on the importance of living in the present, not thinking too much about past and future, which allows you ''to savor life's fleeting joys''.
Wabi Sabi is a principle that encourages you finding beauty in imperfection and incompleteness. Life isn't perfect but still beautiful.
My essay is so wabi sabi haha but hope it helps you to live a bit longer, see yea!