Great leaders

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 23.11.2023

Lídři jedí poslední   Simon Sinek

Leaders eat last

In Leaders Eat Last, Simon takes us to the next level of understanding why some organizations do better than others by detailing all elements of the leadership challenge. For a company to be successful, its leaders need to understand the true purpose of their organization and use that purpose as a Northstar not only in how they conduct themselves as a business but also in how they care for those in their charge.

In this book, Sinek explores the concept of leadership and the qualities that make great leaders. The title "Leaders Eat Last" is metaphorical, referring to the idea that good leaders prioritize the well-being of their teams before their own needs. The book delves into the biological and psychological aspects of leadership and teamwork, drawing on examples from various organizations.

Key ideas:

Our need to feel safe:

leaders should invest time and effort in building strong relationships with their team members. This involves getting to know individuals on a personal level, understanding their aspirations, and showing genuine interest in their well-being.

organizing team-building activities and events to strengthen the bonds among team members. This can contribute to a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

Sinek discusses the significance of having a shared purpose within an organization. Leaders should articulate a clear and inspiring vision that resonates with the values of the team, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging.

Leaders can lead by example in demonstrating inclusive behavior. Treating everyone with respect, actively listening, and valuing diverse perspectives contribute to a culture where individuals feel they belong.

The practical advice in this chapter centers around the idea that creating a sense of belonging is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. By prioritizing relationships, open communication, and a shared purpose, leaders can contribute to a positive and inclusive workplace culture where team members feel connected and valued.


Biology of leadership:

Trust is a key factor in reducing stress. Leaders can build trust by being transparent, consistent, and reliable. Trusting relationships within a team contributes to a sense of security, even in challenging situations.

Sinek suggests that leaders should encourage vulnerability within their teams. When team members feel comfortable expressing their concerns or asking for help, it can lead to collaborative problem-solving and stress reduction.

Physical health is linked to stress management. Leaders can encourage practices that contribute to physical well-being, such as breaks, exercise, and healthy habits, to help individuals cope with stress.

Leaders can play a crucial role in stress management by practicing active listening. Being attentive to team members' concerns and providing a platform for them to express themselves can contribute to a more supportive environment.

The practical advice in this chapter revolves around the idea that leaders play a crucial role in managing and mitigating the impact of stress within their teams. By fostering a supportive and trusting environment, encouraging open communication, and prioritizing well-being, leaders can contribute to the resilience and effectiveness of their teams under stress.


Creating a culture of trust:

Sinek encourages leaders to lead by example. Practical advice includes demonstrating the values and behaviors expected from the team and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.

Sinek emphasizes that leadership is a choice, and individuals at all levels can choose to adopt a leadership mindset. Practical advice includes recognizing that anyone can be a leader by taking responsibility and making choices that contribute to the well-being of the team.

Sinek introduces the concept of "The Big C" - the values that define the culture of an organization. Practical advice involves clarifying and reinforcing these values, ensuring alignment with the organization's mission.

effectively communicating organizational values to all members of the team. This fosters a shared understanding and commitment to the principles that guide the organization.

Trust is a central theme in this chapter. Leaders can build trust by consistently demonstrating integrity, transparency, and a commitment to the organization's values.

These chapters underscore the importance of leadership choices, the cultivation of a positive organizational culture, and the role of values in guiding decisions and behaviors. By actively choosing to lead with empathy, integrity, and a focus on long-term success, leaders can contribute to a workplace culture that fosters trust, collaboration, and sustained success.



Leadership je v tejto knihe super vysvetlený a bolo super si pripomenúť hodnoty správneho lídra. Celý život som hrával futbal a aj bol trénerom, takže v športe som sa toho veľa naučil, ako by to malo vyzerať. Najdôležitejšia vec, ktorú som sa naučil aj v tejto kniha je myšlienka mať ku každému individuálny prístup a byť pozitívnym príkladom. Správny líder má ľudí vždy na svojej strane a dokáže motivovať každého, pretože ho pozná a rozumie jeho silným stránkam, hodnotám a čo v ňom vyvoláva motiváciu. V budúcnosti sa určite chcem v tejto oblasti pohybovať a mať okolo seba silný team full of A players. Zastávam aj názor, že najlepšie sa podniká a pracuje s kamarátmi a že dôvera je základom každého teamového úspechu.


Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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