Friend Leadership by ''my friend'' Heikki

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Přidáno: 26.02.2024

Friend leadership   Heikki Toivanen

Friend Leadership by ''my friend'' Heikki

Heikki Toivanen

Friend Leadership, as outlined by Heikki Toivanen, emphasizes a balance between organizational responsibility and individual initiative, fostering a shared vision and a sense of community akin to friendship among its members. It prioritizes collaboration, mutual support, and a collective sense of purpose within the organization.

Steps of Friend Leadership:

Earth - lead yourself

Water - form a meaningful team

Fire - ignite your team

Wind - study your environment and bring something new to it

Void - be mindful


First you need to lead yourself and lead yourself in a safe company culture, where you can make mistakes and learn from those. Your learning starts by knowing yourself. Get to know your emotions, weaknesses and strenghts. To do so, you can use some of Tiimiakatemia's learning tools such as Skill Profile and Learning contract, which Heikki says is very important. He also emphasized personal vision and its visualization. 


Team building starts by knowing each other. Build confidence. Positive dialogue forms trust and shared vision at the team level. Vision is very important for a team, it gives direction. Vision can change, we should reevaluate when we feel we don't connect with the first one anymore. First vision doesn't have to be the right one. Focus on positivity and fun in your team! 


Friend leader. Lead energy! Lead your team toward a meaningful purpose: with heart, with results and without notes. Give your team room for thinking, making mistakes and work with team energy. Use the MICEE philosophy ( 1) Model the way, 2) Inspire a shared vision, 3) Challenge the process, 4) Enable others to act, 5) Encourage the heart ) 


Know your business environment and bring new elements. Even one element is good enough. Listen to your heart while forming the strategy. The Hedgehog Concept = strategy through three questions ( 1) What inspire us?, 2) Where can we be the best?, 3) Where can we make money? ) This is related to three project types that according to Heikki we should have in Tiimi. According to Heikki we should have three types of projects in Tiimi: business project (we get the most money out of this one), dream project (something we want to focus on in future), community project (to support community and team spirit )


Mindfulness and understanding the spirit of the game. Invent yourself the rules of the game - it is easier and more comfortable to play. Play the game where everyone gets the benefit.  Be present in the moment! Be present in the dialogue/TS. Respect, wait, listen and talk straight. Do not use electronic devices during TS - you are not connected, you keep distance from us.

Book tips from Heikki:


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Tui - 28.02.2024 - 17:07

fotka slay

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