This month has thaught me a lot. I had ups and downs and went through a lot in such a short period. I am still recovering and reseting my mindset. But I am going. After every battle, better times come.
I arrived here with some kind of imagination of how it will go on. I was so wrong. You cannot plan what will happen. Or I cannot at least. I wanted to wake up early, do yoga go fr. Run and swim, do guasha, meditate, eat heathy, travel, explore, surf, read and work. Crazy to think this is possible to adapt all at once. I just thought coming here will start something. The place has changed, but I haven’t. At first I was very disappointed at myself for not following my planned routines. I felt like I am waisting a beautiful opportunity. Until I realized it is a process. I stated with smaller steps. I just started doing what I felt like in this new environment and realized I can actually do way cooler stuff than I have imagined. Now I do yoga maybe 3 times a week. I go once a week for a run and swim. Twice or three times a week wakeboarding and surfing and I try to skate on a ramp almost everyday. I eat healthy. So planning is good, but stay open to improvising. I am only disappointed I didn’t get rid of my unhealthy habit… but not surprised. ( I wasn’t committed to quit).
I have experienced the change of living place a couple time and I have thought I have got it all. That it will be easy. It wasn’t. It doesn’t matter how many times you have done it. It is still hard and exhausting. It is not a matter of experience. - So I started t settle down. I started to connect with people and I directed all my energy onto that. But eventually. I got lost in them a disconnected from myself. I didn't know who I am, what I am doing here and why I am here. It was a down moment, but it had to happen for me to realize I need to refocus. I also analyzed how I behaved and why. It was very interesting to observe my responses and reactions.
This also led me to deeper thinking. So who am I? Until one day I came across a comment saying - the stigma of “figuring out who we are” is arising. And people chase after something while carrying all they need with themselves. Basically I don’t need to change a place to know who I am. It's my past experiences what makes me “me.” So i am trying to adapt this mindset now and deeper discover myself.
I am living in a community now. Similar to the one we have in Tiimiakatemia. But even more intense. We work together, live together and spend our free time together. We share houses, showers and toilets in a camp. The boundaries fade away easily. But the approach on life connects us and erases many differences. We have similar values, hobbies and just want to chill and not have problems - be “tranquilo.” Although these special bonds, we face similar problems that arise in TAP. Miscommunication, people being pissed because of dirty kitchen and bathroom, loudness… It's hard to set down a standard for living, that will be acceptable by everyone, because we still come from different backgrounds. It's is hard to built community. You need to work on it together. Sit down, talk and change things. We had one meeting so far, but I encouraged to do it more often ( and to sit in circle and do check-in and check-out). We need to state what we expect, what we want, responsible people, and some steps towards action.
Another learning opportunity came when one of my co-workers (wakepark office manager) was kicked out without previous notice. They did wrong everything thy could.
Luckily, the situation somehow solved itself out. Previous manager eventually took a housekeeper job at camp, so she would have a place to live ( She is from another country, waiting for Portuguese citizenship). She found another job in a surf shop in town for the evenings. New manager is the sweetest person and actually suits the job better. They both spoke together about what has happened and are on good terms I believe. And we cleaned the air at work with palo Santo.
So i came to realization the high management here doesn't know hoe to handle these situations. They have no idea how to do their job right so it leads to prosperity. But I must admit, my boss is doing right as much as he can. As he has showed me on another shitshow.
One guy, who has been working at wake park as a controller, living and eating at camp as well as his girlfriend (for free) fucked up. They had a bad fight one day, that made people fear him. We didn’t know for sure - but his girlfriend said he hit here and other people heard noises similar to hits that night. It was weird period of time. The head manager called my boss to fire him. But he wanted to get the story clear. He set down with both of them separately (only possible way) and talked. Eventually he agreed to fire him, but we were all informed why. I am very grateful for the way my boss reacted. “If he only touched her, he is out. But I need to know what happened.” Now I am reflecting, why he didn’t act the same way in the previous situation…
I realized how much I love talking to people. Many people have crazy experiences. Actually. Everyone. I try to ask questions and listen to their stories and learn along as much as I can. Shared knowledge is the best knowledge. I wish I could capture all their stories, because it's too heavy to carry in the head. They traveled the world or its their first time out of country alone. Studied difficult universities or haven’t studied at all. Grew up in a good family or experienced bad childhood. Speaks 6 languages or came to practice English. 19 or 60 years old. Everyone loves board sports. Somehow we all ended up here. Lagos 2023. You can be anywhere you want, just keep going.
I realized this kind of lifestyle is amazing, but still not as independent as I wish for. I couldn’t live in camps from season to season. You are still employed, which makes it difficult to do whatever and make enough money. I find it amazing for a period of time, but I want to have a backup plan, my own project that would secure me if something happens or if I want to travel or have a family. I will work on making a van for myself and figuring out my way of side income, big enough so I have money and also time for another easy job. Because in this job you dont make money, but you gain community, which is way more valuable.
This whole moth just reassured me in everything I have learned in Tiimiakatemia - that’s its completely same in the real world and we are truly getting ready the right way !
Its all about the mindset.
( For sure I have more to say, but its already too long… )
Bob esponja - Spongebob in spanish
Empanada - Argentinian traditional food
Encendedor - lighter
Galao - latte made by lazy Portuguese people
High tide - water is at greatest elevation. Water comes to the shore and covers it.
Chongo/Chonga - friend with benefits
Imperial - small beer
Lets fuck off - lets leave
Lush - very nice
Mate - Argentinian tea
Obrigado - thank you
Off shore wind - wind coming from land
On shore wind - wind coming from the ocean onto land
Panache - beer with sprite
Set waves - set of bigger waves that comes, you have to paddle out
Swell - energy that has been transferred into the sea by wind- It increases with the storms fetch
Tide - Its influenced by the moon and sun (less because it is futher away. Tide cycle is 24 h. Largest when sun and moon line up (full moon and new moon)
Tosta mista (tošta mišta) - toast with ham and cheese
Vasaras raibumi - (something in Latvian)
Yo no se - i dont know
“Keep the sun in your heart.”
“The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.”
“Set boundaries.”
“Let your thoughts simmer, but dont overlook what you intuitively know to be true.”
“Surrender the need to overanalyze.”
“Everything bad is good for something.”
“We talk least about the things we think the most about.”
“Don't let social media confuse you. Values, morals and kindness is still what impresses people the most.”
“People come and go. That’s life.”
“If it feels wrong, dont do it.”
“Thats life, starting over. One breathe at a time.”
“You spend most of your life in your head. Make it a nice place to be.”