Useful skill of not giving a fuck about extraneous opinion

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 10.03.2020

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck   Mark Manson

The simplest way not to mind adversity is to have something bigger to care about. People who consistently stew over small annoyances generally haven’t got anything better to do. The human mind simply needs something to focus on; anything will do. It’s important to choose a priority worth caring about so your mind won’t fritter its time away on stupid stuff.

As people mature, they gain perspective and realize many of the things they once cared about don’t matter. They see that no one notices much of what anyone else does, which frees everyone to focus on themselves and what matters to them individually. With age, people’s energy and desire to change the world diminish. People accept themselves and life more as they are and enjoy not having to give so many fucks about everything. This leads to an unexpected sense of peace and contentment.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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