A long time ago, many of my classmates read this book and I remember how the phrase "long tail" sounded several times, and I even remember that someone discussed the contents of this book, but, to be honest, I then found a lot of other literature that attracted me much more than a strange book called "long tail".
BUT! Finally, I got to this book, because I have already read many books about sales, and I remembered about this book with a strange title, which everyone was so actively discussing a year and a half ago.
Why does the book have such a name?
"Long tail" is the majority of books, films, sound recordings and any other goods that were not destined to become popular hits.
Although, of course, some of these products are frankly unsuccessful, among them there are many high-quality products that fall out of the field of view of sellers of consumer goods, who have to take into account the limited retail space and high storage costs.
I didn't like the book. It is very strange, the same as its name. There were interesting thoughts, in some places I agree with the author, but the main focus is on retail stores, which is not my goal.
Therefore, I do not know whether I will apply something from this book in practice, but if I encounter stores that have a certain niche and that I will work with them, then I will probably turn to this book.