The Black Swan

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 15.11.2021

The Black Swan   Nassim Nicholas Taleb

I started reading this book because I thought it was the book that the Black swan movie with natalie portman was based on. I wanted to take a break from business literature. I thought I'd read about the psychology of competition, because it's very vague, but I remember the movie.

But it turned out that this is a completely different story.

So, black swans are very important, but unlikely events that are easy to explain only in retrospect. In fact, they are often crucial and create the most important foundation in different spheres.

As an example, the crisis of 2008. Now, if you study at least a few sources or watch the movie "The Big Short", you will say: how could it have been predicted, the crisis could not have been prevented. If we went back to 2006-2007, but without this knowledge, the probability of predicting this crisis would be extremely small.

people underestimate luck in life, although they ironically overestimate it in some games of “luck”

The book is very strange. Sometimes interesting things are said, but all this does not fit into my head and I do not know how I can apply this knowledge in practice. I didn't understand some points, I reread them again, because they didn't make any sense to me. But, my subjective opinion: I wouldn't read it. If all the books in the world run out, you can try, but to be honest, I would love to read a couple of articles about critical thinking, not this book. But maybe someone will have a different point of view, so read other reviews about the book, maybe this book has revealed something to someone that it has not revealed to me.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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