Team coaches best tool
This essay is written in english, because the whole book was in english. And I also want to improve my writing skills in different language.
I chose this book because our team had a deep dialog about TEAM vision and goal. As our goal we established to be the high performance team and a Rocket model. The Roket model is rooted in the metodic of learning in the Tiimiakatemia. The Rocket model i salso one way ticket to be the high performace team. If every body will folow steps which are written in i teust we will be.
The book teels the story about how to attitude to Tiimiakatemia studying if you are a coach. In the book you can find a lot of information about Tiimiakatemi metodic of learning. For example, the Rocket Model, a Learning Contract, a Skill profile, a Bob, core information about learning by doing. This book also show you how to act as coach in TIIMIAKATEMI PRAGUE.
What I found interesting? I appreciate and found interrestinf synthesis between all helpful technic, which together create awesome program for students and surface for coaching. I learned why. I learned why everithing in Tiimi makes sance. If we will trust the proces, folow technik which we have, we should realy make a new world where young teampreuners can lear by doing and learn and do every think (in the world of bussines) what they want.
I use this book as a guide for sklil profile. And as the TEAM KAAMOS we using this book as textbook for rocket model which we want to fill until end of our studies.
Why it maight be nice for you to reed this book?
The book can show you more than you know about processes of learning in Tiimi. You can use techic from this book to improve your teampreuners sklil and if you will understand how powerful tolls for your personal learning are describe in it you will definitly start to trust the proces.
Thanks to this book I find how it can realy work in Tiimi and the book inspire me to realy trust the proces and use tool that are free to take.