I want to say that the book was very easy to read, the principles that are described are related with my own. I agree with many things, a lot has been said about the education system, and that in the hierarchy of subjects there are those that are valued more than others, and that a lot of pressure comes from parents and from society, that for example mathematics is more solid than music.
There has also been a lot written about the IQ level, but, to be honest, I don't believe in it, and I think that an IQ test is a subjective thing, like an opinion. You see one thing in some situation, and I will see something else. And there are no people who are right or wrong. (THIS IS MY OPINION. I DON'T WANT TO IMPOSE IT ON ANYONE)
Therefore, if you believe in IQ tests, you can also find a lot of interesting things for yourself in this book.
I wouldn't say that I learned anything new. I knew before, that creativity is not a thing that either exists or does not exist. This is a skill that can be developed.