How to Grow into a Teampreneur

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Přidáno: 01.03.2024

How to Grow into a Teampreneur   Timo Lehtonen

Proč How to Grow into a Teampreneur?

Jedná se o příběh finské Tiimiakatemia z pohledu tučňáka. Během návštěvy Finska, spolu s dalšími lidmi z TAPU, jsem si říkala, že se jedná o ideální místo a dobu, kdy si knihu o zakladatelských myšlenkách Tiimiakatemia přečíst.

“Tiimi is not a stiff place. Here we hug a lot and long."

Hlavní myšlenky z knihy:

1) TS

- ideální velikost learning týmu je 13-17 lidí

- TS příprava 3h a zpracování poznatků další 3h

- topics: from work, projects, customers

- vznikají z něj plány, harmonogramy a cíle -) věci, které je potřeba aplikovat do praxe

- speak from your heart

- “I enjoy the moment because all of this is temporary. I don't wait for change, change starts from me."

- Not all of the learners here become team players, but they learn to withstand the team's pressure and live with it.

2) dialog

- myšlenka pochází od Sokrata -) dokázal jím vysvětlit Pythagorovu větu i nevzdělaným

- seek evidence that disprove your own opinion X not those that confirm it

- people think together, you don't take sides

- every team member acts as a mirror to others

3) stádia týmu:

1) the innocent climb / the seed

- a speedy start X soon followed by a big crisis and frustration

2) the disease of me / I don't want to change

- selfishness ultimately destroys the cycle of success born during the time of innocent growth. The team gets swamped with things that are irrelevant to the whole. Greed and selfishness come first, then resentment and envy. They undermine team spirit and weaken the team's co-operation skills. In addition, internal cliques shatter trust. As you have probably noticed, it makes no difference how long or strong the innocent climb is because selfishness will shoot the team down faster than we can imagine.

- symptoms:

  • a) Chronic feeling of undervalue => focus on the self
  • b) Paranoia (not getting the share you deserve: attention, salary, praise…)
  • c) Lack of leadership due to conflicts and cliques
  • d) Frustration, even when the team is successful
  • e) Working hard merely to beat the other team-mates
  • f) Dismissing someone else's qualifications (ignoring their participation) => solution = get to know each other better

3) Contact that bind is together

- people form cliques that work for their self interest => write team contact with positive in mind

4) Thunderbolts

- some members leave the team, as the last possible solution a member can be also kicked out of the team, it's uncomfy for everyone X get angry, disappointed but then come back stronger, still believe in your dreams

5) The Choke / Everything takes too long

- being scared of winning, switch from being ready to being prepared

6) The Breakthrough / The Life Journey Begins

- Great deeds aren't done with force, but persistence. Intuition of breakthrough beforehand:

  • a) cliques became flexible
  • b) new sense of trust in team
  • c) people start to take responsibility
  • d) communication improves
  • e) people are open about their feelings, mistakes and weaknesses
  • f) team learns frank constructive feedback
  • g) team sets main goal (trip around the world)
  • h) team becomes fully self-steering and purpose-driven -) no need for coach

7) Uspokojení / Last Challenge

- moment splnění cíle X if no mission or will to develop (even after the breakthrough) -) regression

8) Mastery / Challenge, morals, dreams and belief in yourself

- if each member develops a bit, the whole team performance improves significantly

9) Raising the stakes

- veterans should highlight their legacy -) moment when the key players leave the champion team, the end of a team

10) Going forward

- time to find new teams, challenges and goals

4) Team Development Stages

1) working group (0-4 months)

2) pseudo team (5-12 months)

3) potential team (12-24 months)

4) real team (24-32 months)

5) high performance team (+36 months)

5) Management Groups

= leading peers / friend leaders

  • a) you have to earn leadership
  • b) lead with your example
  • c) lead in a way that nobody notices they're being led
  • d) be friends to those you're leading, even if you really aren’t

- others have to learn to be led and to help the leader succeed X you can skip the evolution stage -) some members can become leaders on their own initiative without being officially authorized

- they take responsibility for certain areas which would be otherwise left undone -) there is no hierarchy or master race

6) Team leadership:

7) Marketing

- 4P = competitive tools: Product, Place, Promotion, Price

- 4E = Entertainment, Education, Esthetics, Escapism

- 4Y = different environments: where do we sell, where we meet the customer, are we using print or how we use socials? etc.)

- 4S = 4 most important target groups

- K = is concept ready for the market? -) business profits, expenses, network, idea creation)

8) Mix of Thoughts

- TRP = 8h TS, 8h reading and 24h projects

- Skill Profile: zaměřit se na 1 dovednost, aplikovat ji v praxi a pak na zkušenost reflektovat

- Group pass technique: Kroužek, každý na papírek napíše své řešení problému, papírek předá dál a další člověk jeho nápad rozvine. Když se dokončí celé kolo, návrhy se přečtou a vyhodnotí.

- Creating Knowledge and Innovation: group pass technique (ideas) -) choosing best ideas -) trying to test the best concept -) building the final prototype -) testing

- inventing a name: “Wait, you have only 20 suggestions... think up a 100 more, then you'll find the right one.”

- learning models are born from living inside the community -) Partanen is only a gardener

- Tiimiakatemia constantly fluctuates between order and disorder -) tolerate the uncertainty of this process the creative chaos

- becoming a team takes a lot of time and shared challenges -) inspiring successes and bitter failures are important X without work and emotion, regresses into a chatting group of friends

Praxe / moje uvědomění z knihy:

- Díky této knize mi došlo, že v životě je důležité se soustředit na skupinku lidí, se kterými se mi dobře pracuje, a tak si uvědomit PROČ se mi s nimi dobře pracuje?

- Je důležité respektovat názory ostatních lidí X za každou cenu se jimi neřídit.

- Charakter každého člověka má svůj potenciál a je hloupé ho nevyužít jen proto, že většina ostatních lidí má silné stránky jinde než on.

- Z postav popisovaných v knize jsem se poměrně blízko ztotožnila s tímto popiskem: "A perfectionist, which may not be good for a financial manager. It's possible to burn out. Luckily she's tough and can take a lot of pressure. She focuses on results and the whole. She's also realistic and practical, and she organizes our work. Sometimes, she is over-energetic, impulsive, and strong-minded. The boys can't always keep on top of things, which frustrates and angers her. Above all else, she hates ineffectiveness - we need results." -) efektivita je pro mě velmi důležitá, potřebuji, aby se věci posouvaly a výsledky byly vidět

- Tiimi dává každému prostor učit se svým tempem -) tuto myšlenku jsem zvědomila na TS

- nebát se naslouchat na ZS a nabízet řešení, se kterým ještě sice nemám zkušenosti, ale mám odhodlání se do něj pustit -) čím větší výzva, tím lepší

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