First things first

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 13.06.2021

First things first   Stephen Covey

Probably everyone knows Stephen Covey. His bestseller "7 Habbits" has probably been read by everyone. But honestly, I was not impressed. I wrote an essay on 7 habbits, so you can read it.

I can say that lately I started having problems with time management and with the daily routine. And I decided to change this and find a book that would not only provide knowledge on time management, but also motivation.

What can I say about this book - there are interesting thoughts. Quite a lot of advice, a lot of interesting theory. Now I don't want to talk about my time management, I want and I do work on personal leadership, I really liked this idea, because in fact, time management is the first stage of responsibility, and personal leadership is already a pro level. Therefore, there is something to work on, there is something to improve. I recommend this book to read, it is in my opinion much more useful than "7 Habbits".

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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