The Charge Life

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 03.06.2021

The Charge   Brendon Burchard


We all are human being and we've evolved in a certain way.

In this book you will learn how to activate 10 human drives that make you feel more alive, vibrant, full of energy.

They are:

Baseline drives: Control, Competence, Congruence, Caring, Connection

Forward drives: Change, Challenge, Creative Expression, Contribution, Consciousness



I would say 10 human drives apply not only to you but to others as well. If you can implement strategies that would support these drives into your organization. The whole company will surge ahead. It would be highly beneficial to employees, if you could incomporate some of these charges in their work.

For example it is so important to increase the feeling of competence of your coworkers and employees - than they won't tend to avoid problems or conflicts because they would feel they cannot handle them. They will be for a lookout for bigger challenges and opportunities because they believe they can successfully manage them. They will tend to work on harder tasks, try harder and will be more willing to adjust along the way.


Productivity - energy - drives

For me energy is very an essential thing for me to work effectively. It seems to me I usually go through these waves, where I get motivated, have enough energy, set lot of goals, but there's so many things I could do. Since I want to achieve them I don't relax that much, forget to regain energy, recharge my bateries. And in a few weeks I do just a little. I don't feel like doing anything, procrastinate etc. Then after some time I get tired of that, get exited about some other goals and the whole circle happens again.


With this I can momentarily spike the amount of things I achieve, but in longrun I get far far lesser results.


Therefore it will be my top priority to focus on implementation of these methods into my life. I will be dedicated, systematic and strategic. Meaning I will check every week what more can I incomporate from the strategies in this book. In the end it comes to habits, as always. So I shall use Tiny Habits methods, start by tiny tiny steps and celebrate them till they get automatic.


[few days later] It is happening again right now, as it seems.

There is so many options I can do and so little time. Community building, Team birthgivings, honeybox, honey, CBD honey, Herbafabrica. Reports for these projects, explaining Tiimi way through documents. Then another duzen of things I should/could focus on systematically implementing strategies from this book, reading (a lot, I am quite behind). I will hopefully be able to delegate some of the projects.



ATP right away

If I want to get the most out of the books I read, it is propably a good idea to do things right away. As just seen above, I already don't have much time to implement, try out recomended strategies. There are often tips or tasks in the book, but If I don't try them out in the moment, they get lost in a pile of to-do's. If I do them right away it will take longer to go through a book, but it will provide much more value in return. It might be also a good idea to read 2, 3 books at once and if one of them has longer tasks, I can than read the others books, while I appling the tasks.



Don't get stuck

Also got an idea not really connected with this book. Where will we have a bigger oportunity to learn things, try things out. After we graduate we will be stuck on some position where it will be pretty hard to try new things out, go from marketing to sales, move from costumer relationships to leadership, there ain't gonna be anything like this. It will be hard to get an oportunity to practically learn something new. So we should seize the chance and make it our focus to learn new things.


Another thing. You don't wanna get stuck on some project in my opinion. That just inhibits learning. So ideally you wanna have projects time bounded. Or be able to pass them along or automate them. This way you can focus on a new learning opportunities when they come by. Be aware whether or not is the project still relevant in our learning, it might by hard to let go, but sometimes It could be the thing to do.



Brendon Burchard is a superb autor who I must really recommend to everybody.

This book is a great guide how to live life full of happiness, enthusiasm, energy, positivity, enjoyment. In short the Charge life.

Read this.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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Komentáře (1):

Jana Švecová - 06.09.2021 - 08:15

Sounds like recommendation from Jukka's reading recommendation - "Read this" :-) However, have you ever thought that your workload can also be caused by your surroundings when they turn to you with confidence with new tasks (for example, I do it to you). I wonder if you tried to prioritize, use Eisenhower's matrix, or just "no" to a new task / project?

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