Síla zvyku
Charles Duhigg
The power of habit
Knihu som čítal v angličtine, takže v nej bude aj napísaná esej, knihu som si vybral na základe odporúčenia z jedného videa, bola veľmi zaujímavo napísaná a má v sebe veľa vedeckých výzkumov, ktoré podporujú informácie v tejto knihe, dosť mi pomohla pri tvorbe nových zdravých návykov
The power of habit helps you to understand why habits are at the core of everything you do, how you can change them and what impact that will have on your life, your business and society
This book was published in february 2012 and it was written by best selling author, new york times reporter Charles Duhigg.The book is devided into 3 parts – habits of individuals, organizations and sociaties, which consists of small chapters with information and frameworks backed up by science research and real life stories.It explores the science behind habit creation and reformation to gain succes in all 3 parts.
So what exactly is a habit? You think you have control and make decisions by yourself all day. But more than 40% of actions we take everyday are habits.Habits are choices that we are doing repeatedly without actually thinkin about them. They come from subconcious mind so thats why we do them automatically.
Things like reading or working out , but also bad ones like smoking.Habits emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort .The brain will make almost any routine into a habit because it allows your mind to chill more often. The more will you do some routine the stronger and more powerfull it becomes.
The main takeaways: He says that habits work in 3 step loops: cue, routine, reward
The cue is what triggers you to do the habit, fe: if you drink coffe every morning, sitting down in kitchen and eating breakfast is the cue
The routine is the behaviour you then automatically engage in , which for drinking coffe is to turn on your coffemaker and make yourself a coffe. And after this you will receive reward such as the taste and energy that comes from drinking coffe
This means that you can change your habits by substituting just one part of the loop, the routine, in case of coffe , you might crave it the second you sit down at the kitchen table
The trick to changing a habit then, is to switch the routine and leave everything else the same
Duhigg calls this the golden rule of changing the habit
Habits emerge without our permission, they create neurological cravings , often these cravings are so powerfull that we are not even aware of them , so dont resist the craving but redirect it
Keep the same cues and rewards, but change the routine that is the result of that craving
The most effective way is to create keystone habits : these are the habits , that causes you to take on other multiple good habits that can change your life.They give you everyday small wins that keep you motivated throught building a new habits
3 most important keystone habits are : reading – reading provides knowledge that you dont learn at (basic) school like finances, tax and money managment, and because of the ability to influence any part of your life in a positive way, reading is one of the most powerfull keystone habits out there
Next one is meditation- meditation helps you to control yourself and focus for a longer time , its the hardest habit to adopt and also important because when you meditate you are present to the moment and you let go of all the things that are on your mind , so you can truly relax your mind
And the last one is exercising- exercising makes you feel energized, and triggers another good habit of eating heatlhy , also endorphins are pumping through your body so you are in the better state of mind
The last lesson in this book is that the most important habit is willpower: located in the part of brain called prefrontal cortex and it is like a muscle , the more you train it the stronger it becomes which helps you do things even if you not feel like doing it . With time it will grow stronger and your levels of discipline will go up a lot
I recommend this book to anyone that wants to change his bad habits , it was an interesting point of view on the problem and it helped me a lot, hope it helps you too