Jak (ne) manipulovat s lidma - klasika

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 22.09.2024

Jak získávat přátele a působit na lidi   Cale Carnegie

🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences

  1. Basic principles on how to deal with people.
  2. Gaining control of a situation.
  3. How to be liked by people - making good impressions

🎨 Impressions

Applying these principles can have massive impact on your life. It can help you succeed in life - 80% of people’s success is due to their ability to deal with people.

How I Discovered It

Many people recommended it.

Who Should Read It?

Almost everybody. If you have trouble in dealing with clients, colleagues or just your mates.

☘️ How the Book Changed Me

✍️ My Top 3 Quotes

📒 Summary + Notes

Fundamental techniques

Six ways to make people like you

  1. Make sure you catch the name the first moment it´s mentioned.
  2. Request a repetition or even a spelling.
  3. Repeat the name multiple times.
  4. After the interaction, connect the name with something about the person.

Win people to your way of thinking

  1. Cease your first reaction in a fight. Control your temper.
  2. Promise them that you will think about it.
  3. Try to find circles in which you agree.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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