Ferrari mindset

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 10.05.2023

Mnich, který prodal své ferrari   Robin S. Sharma

Monk who sold his Ferrari

First, let me introduce you to the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma. The book is a fable about a successful lawyer who leaves his high-pressure job to embark on a spiritual journey in the Himalayas. Through this journey, he learns important lessons about life, happiness, and self-improvement.

Now, let's dive into seven key points and lessons from the book that can help you become the best version of yourself:

Cultivate Self-Discipline:

Sharma emphasizes the importance of self-discipline as the key to success in any area of life. By cultivating the ability to control our thoughts and actions, we can achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life.

It starts with the small things like waking up early, eating the right food, and sticking to your habits- The way you do the small things is the reflection of how you will act when it comes to the big show. Being able to control yourself is the greatest habit there is and is needed to learn if you truly want to be happy in your life.

Embrace Simplicity:

 Sharma encourages readers to simplify their lives by focusing on what truly matters and letting go of distractions. By doing so, we can achieve greater clarity and peace of mind.

When was the last time you really enjoyed the small things in life? Being in nature, music, talking with your friends, and being present in the moment. You realize that you are in control of the state of mind you are in.

 We have been conditioned to only be happy and care when something cool and big happens in our life, while we forget that we need to start with the small things and sometimes enjoying the simple things will give us more satisfaction than driving a supercar, you cannot buy your way into happiness. It starts from the inside. With simple things.

Practice Mindfulness:

The book teaches the importance of mindfulness, or the ability to focus on the present moment. By practicing mindfulness, we can reduce stress, improve our relationships, and live a more fulfilling life.

Most people live in the past or worry about the future. Art is to be able to live in the present moment and focus on the task thats in front of you. Baby steps. There are so many things in the modern world to worry about, you need to find time to be in solitude and calm, your brain is always thinking and sometimes it's best to take time off to smell the roses.

Focus on the Journey, Not the Destination:

The book emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. This means enjoying the process of personal growth, rather than just striving for an end goal. By doing so, we can find greater satisfaction and fulfillment in our lives.



Find Your Purpose:

The book emphasizes the importance of finding our life purpose and aligning our actions with that purpose. By doing so, we can achieve greater fulfillment and happiness.

Develop Strong Relationships:

The book teaches the importance of developing strong relationships with others as a key to happiness and fulfillment. This includes building meaningful connections with family, friends, and colleagues, as well as practicing kindness and empathy. By doing so, we can create a sense of belonging and support in our lives. People are social creatures and having good people around you is probably the most important thing there is. No one has ever done it all alone, you will need help and guidance on your journey, so focus on building great relationships with your family and friends and you will always have someone to help you.

Live with Gratitude:

 The book teaches the importance of gratitude as a key to happiness and fulfillment. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and expressing gratitude for them, we can achieve greater joy and contentment. Being able to give back is the greatest feeling in the world. That's why people are donating to charities and are so satisfied when doing it. Being grateful for what you have trained your brain on focusing on the good side of things, and when you have your mind on your side, everything becomes easier. Practice gratitude.

As for a short review of the book, I would say that "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" is a powerful and inspiring book that offers practical wisdom and insights for self-improvement. Sharma's storytelling approach makes the book engaging and easy to read, while the lessons he teaches are backed up by research and practical experience. I really liked the story of the lawyer who learns the principles of life the hard way and discovers that in order to be happy, you need to have time to even enjoy the products of your work and not be too dependent on money, because the most important resource in the world is time and you cannot buy it back, so spend it really wisely.


Príbeh tejto knihy je pre mňa veľmi poučný a usvedčil ma , že mám svoje hodnoty dobre postavené. Často sa mi stáva, že ľudia okolo mňa stále len pracujú a nevedia si život užívať. Pociťoval som to hlavne na Slovensku , kedy väčšina mojich kamarátov mala hrozne uzavreté myslenie a vôbec nemali žiadne plány do budúcna. Zaseknutý len v práci a ani vlastne nevedia čo chcú a neuvedomujú si , že čas a mladosť beží. Život je hrozne komplexný ale od čoho je nám stále len pracovať a hrnúť sa stále za niečím, keď nám ten život len preletí pred očami a keď nezastavíš, ujde ti. Preto si myslím, že je dôležité využiť v živote svoj čas naplno a nájsť počas svojej cesty aj čas na jednoduché veci, starať sa o seba , pozrieť si svet pretože všade sa žije inak, mať super ľudí okolo seba- to je to hlavné v živote a často sa stáva , že ľudia nato úplne zabúdajú. Čas je to najdôležitejšie čo máme, treba sa preto veľmi dobre zamyslieť a často sa zastaviť a pozerať kam smerujem a čo chcem , aké sú moje hodnoty atď., aby keď ti život prebehne pred očami si môžeš povedať, to kurva stálo zato, užil som si to naplno a celý čas mal svoj čas pod kontrolou a nebol otrokom času, práce a povinností.

 Žiť bez ľutovania. Žiť naplno.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Nový komentář:

Komentáře (1):

- 11.05.2023 - 12:52

I like how you summarized author's main lessons. In a easy understable language! Thanks for your essay!

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