Can't Hurt Me

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Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

Přidáno: 21.01.2024

Can't Hurt Me   David Goggins

Proč jsem si knihu vybral?

Myslím, že o Davidovi slyšel už asi každý. Když jsem začínal s osobním rozvojem, hráli mi při běhání jeho motivační proslovy v uších a já si říkal: WOW, on doopravdy nemá moc výmluv – já jich tehdy měl dost, a to mě fascinovalo. Následně jsem ho registroval jako motivačního speakera a až nedávno zjistil, že má i svou vlastní knihu. Stále jsem cítil, že motto „výmluvy vs výsledky“ úplně neuplatňuji a očekávám tedy, že mi osobní příběh Davida připomene, proč tady jsem a co jsem to tu vůbec za jízdu jménem život začal.

Poznámka na začátek: Jelikož nejsem úplně nejsilnější a nejbližší kamarád s angličtinou, fráze z knihy si nedovoluji překládat. Možná i časem přidám nějaké české slovíčko, pokud nebudu vědět :)

What is a book about?

In Can’t Hurt Me, David shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this THE 40% RULE, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.


Interesting Thoughts from Introduction

The truth is we all make self-limiting choices. It’s as natural as a sunset and as fundamental as gravity. It’s how our brains are wired, which is why motivation is crap. Even the best pep talk or self-help hack is nothing but a temporary fix. It won’t uplift your life. Motivation changes absolutely nobody. The bad hand that was my life was mine, and mine alone to fix.

Anybody can become a totally different person and achieve what so-called experts claim is impossible, but it takes a lot of heart, will, and an armored mind.

From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and become the One Warrior. But it is up to you to equip (vybavit) yourself for the battle ahead. Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.


Chapter One) I Should Have Been a Statistic

Challenge !1

Do you ever feel insecure? Maybe your limiting factor is that you are growing up so supported and comfortable, you never push yourself? What are the current factors limiting your growth and success?

Break out your own journal – if you don’t have one, buy one – and write them all out in minute detail. Don’t be bland (jemný) with this assignment (zadání). If you were hurt or are still in harm’s way, tell the story in full. Give your pain shape. Absorb its power because you are about to flip that shit. You will use your story, this list of excuses, these very good reasons why you shouldn’t amount to a damn thing, to fuel your ultimate success. Once you have your list, share it whit whoever you want. Write down about how your own past or present circumstances challenge you to the depth of your soul.


Chapter Two) Truth Hurts

You are giving up instead of getting hard! Tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations and you will turn that negativity, which is realm into just fuel. Those odds stacked against you will become a damn runway! There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate (vypařují) like rivers in the desert. That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better. We all need thicker (tlustší) skin to improve in life. Being soft when you look in the mirror isn’t going to inspire changed yourself, we need to shift our present and open up our future.

Challenge !2 – Accountability Mirror

It’s time to come eyeball to eyeball with yourself and get raw and real. This is not a self-love tactic. You can’t fluff it. Don’t massage your ego. This is about abolishing (zničit) the ego and taking the first step toward becoming the real you!

If you look in the mirror and see someone who is obviously overweight, that means you’re fucking fat! Own it! It’s okay to be unkind with yourself in these moments because we need thicker skin to improve in life.

Whatever your goal, you’ll need to hold yourself accountable for the small steps it will take to get there. Self-improvement takes dedication and self-discipline. The dirty mirror you see every day is going to reveal the truth. Stop Ignoring it. Use it to your advantage.


Chapter Three) The Impossible Task

Challenge !3 – Discomfort zone

The first step on the journey toward a calloused (otrlá) mind is stepping outside your comfort zone on a regular basis. Dig out your journal again and write down all the things you don’t like to do or that make you uncomfortable. Especially those things you know are good for you.

This is not about changing your life instantly; it’s about moving the needle bit by bit and making those changes sustainable (udržitelné). That means digging down to the micro level and doing something that sucks every day. Even if it’s as simple as making your bed, doing dishes, ironing your clothes, or getting up before dawn (svítání) and running two miles each day. Once that become comfortable, take it to five, then ten miles. If you already do all those things, find something you aren’t doing.

The more often you get uncomfortable the stronger you will become, and soon you will develop a more productive, can-do dialogue with yourself in stressful situations.


Chapter Four) Taking Souls

Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture (jak trýznivé to mučení), all bad things end. That forgetting happens the second we give control over our emotions and actions to other people, which can easily happen when pain is peaking.

Feelings are just feelings.

Takings Souls is a ticket to finding your own reserve power and catch a second wind. It’s the tool you can call upon to win any competition or overcome every life obstacle.

“The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.”

Challenge !4 – Can’t Hurt Me

Work harder on that project or in the class than you ever have before. Do everything exactly as they ask, and whatever standard they set as an ideal outcome, you should be aiming to surpass (překonat) that. If your coach doesn’t give you time in the games, dominate practice. Check the best guy on your squad and show the fuck out. That means putting time in off the field.

Whoever you’re dealing with, your goal is to make them watch you achieve what they could nave have done themselves. You want them thinking how amazing you are. Take their negativity and use it to dominate their task with everything you’ve got. Take their motherfucking soul!


Chapter Five) Armoured Mind

Until you experience hardships like abuse and bullying, failures and disappointments, your mind will remain soft and exposed. Life experience, especially negative experience, help callous (otrlý) the mind. But it’s up to you where those callous lines up. If you choose to see yourself as a victim of circumstances into adulthood, that callous will become resentment (odpor) that protects you from the unfamiliar. It will make you too cautions and untrusting, and possibly too angry at the world. It will make you fearful of change and hard to reach, bur not hard of mind.

If you accept the pain as a natural process and refuse to give in and give up, you will engage the sympathetic nervous system which shifts your hormonal flows.

“The only way to guarantee failure is to quit right now!”

Challenge !5 – Visualization

Rather that focusing on bullshit you cannot change, imagine visualizing the things you can. Choose any obstacle in your way, or set a new goal, and visualize overcoming or achieving it. Before I engage in any challenging activity, I start by painting a picture of what my success looks and feels like. I’ll think about it every day and that feeling propels me forward when I’m training, competing, or taking any task I choose. You can’t prepare for everything but if you engage in strategic visualization ahead of time2, you’ll be as prepared as you possibly can be.

This challenge means that you’ve finally overcome a lifelong fear or any other obstacle that made you surrender in the past.


Chapter Six) It’s Not About a Trophy

I am the reason I still have a chance.

That the human body can withstand and accomplish a hell of a lot more than most of us think possible, and that it all begins and ends in the mind.

Challenge !6 – Cookie Jar

Write it all out. Don’t just write down your achievement hit list. Include life obstacles you’ve overcome as well, like quitting smoking or overcoming depression. Add in those minor tasks you failed earlier in life but tried again a second or third time and ultimately succeeded at. fell what it was like to overcome those struggles, those opponents and win.

Set ambitious goals before each workout and let those past victories carry you to new personal bests. Then try to beat your best. When the pain hits and tries to stop you short of your goal, dunk your fist in, pull out a cookie, and let it fuel you.

It’s to remember what a badass you are so you can use that energy to succeed again in the heart of battle!


Chapter Seven) The Most Powerful Weapon

The 40% Rule – sadly, most of us give up when we’ve only given around 40% of our maximum effort. Even when we feel like we’ve reached our absolute limit, we still have 60% more to give.

Our minds are fucking strong, they are our most powerful weapon, but we have stopped using them. We have access to so many more resources today than ever before and yet we are so much less capable than those who came before us. If you want to be one of the few to defy the odds in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity, which requires an open mind.

Challenge !7 – Past Your Limits

Your job is to push past your normal stopping point. Whether you are running on a treadmill or doing set of a push-ups, get to the point where you are so tired and in pain that your mind is begging you to stop. Then push just 5 to 10 percent further. If the most push-ups you have ever done is 100 in a workout, do 105 or 110. If you normally run thirty miles each week, run 33 next week.

The only person you are playing against is yourself. Stick with this process and soon what you thought wan impossible will be something you do every fucking day of your life.


Chapter Eight) Talent Not Required

If you want to master the mind and remove your governor (regulator), you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tool if you have the work ethic to back them up.

If you audit your life, skip the bullshit, and use backstops, you’ll find the time to do everything you need and want to do. But remember that you also need rest, so schedule that in.

Challenge !8 – Schedule it!

When you work, only work on one thing at a time, think about the task in front of you and pursue it relentlessly (neúnavně to stíhat). When it comes time for the next task on your schedule, place that first one aside, and apply the same focus.


Chapter Nine) Uncommon amongst uncommon

No matter who you are, life will present you similar opportunities where you can prove to be uncommon. There are people in all walks of life who relish those moment, and when I see them, I recognize them immediately because they are usually that motherfucker who’s all by himself.

It’s about wanting it like there’s no tomorrow – because there might not be.

A true leader stays exhausted, abhors arrogance, and never looks down on the weakest link. He fights for his men and leads by example. That’s what meant to be uncommon among uncommon. It meant being one of the best and helping your men find their best too.

“I was determined to go war with myself to find more of me.”

Challenge !9 – Best Wolf Between Wolves

If you truly want to be uncommon amongst the uncommon, it will require sustaining (udržující) greatness for a long time period of time. It requires staying in constant pursuit (snaha) and putting out unending effort.

It’s easy to stand out amongst everyday people and be a big fish in a small pond. It is a much more difficult task when you are a wolf surrounded by wolves.


Chapter Ten) The Empowerment Of Failure

We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible.

Most wars are won or lost in our own heads.

Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim on what you are willing to earn.

Life is one long motherfucking imaginary game that has no scoreboards, no referee, and isn’t over until we’re dead and buried.

Challenge !10 – After Action Reports

Fist off, write out all the good things, everything that went well, from your failures. Be detailed and generous with yourself.

How did you think throughout the preparation for and during the execution stage of your failure? You have to know how you were thinking at each step because it’s all about mindset, and that’s where most people fall short.

Now go back through and make a list of things you can fix. This isn’t time to be soft or generous. Be brutally honest, write them all out. Study them. Then look at your calendar and schedule another attempt as soon as possible.

This life is all a fucking mind game. realize that. Own it!


Chapter Eleven) What If?

What If is the power and permission to face down your darkest demons, your very worst memories, and accept them as part of your own history.

We live a life demand by the limits we imagine and desire for ourselves because it’s comfortable as hell in that bow. The limits we create and accept become the lens through which they see us.

The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself. You wake up with them, you walk around with them, you go to bed with them, and eventually you act on them. Whether they be good or bad.


ATP model

Jestli bych si někdy řekl, že chci něco vzdát, prosím pošlete mi odkaz na tuhle esej.

Z knihy jsem si znovu připomněl (a ještě zesílil) pravdu o tom, že pouze já jsem překážkou v naplnění mých snů. Znovu uvědomění, že má hlava je můj největší nepřítel (ale také má nejsilnější zbraň), mi vnukla do hlavy myšlenku, zda sem někdy využíval výmluvy a proč. Co určitě musím zkusit je Challange 2, kterou zařadím do svého klasického Todo-today pro každé ráno a probuzení. Efektivita probuzení je u mě něco, na čem chci nadále pracovat a toto cvičení se zrcadlem mi pomůže uvědomit si, proč jsem se to vůbec dneska probudil.

Co mi určitě povznáší mou úroveň „nevzdávat se“ je uvědomění, že já jsem ten důvod, proč mám stále šanci to zvládnout. Tato technika mi pomůže nejen při dosahování mých cílů během fyzické aktivity, ale také během mého každodenního posunu za mými sny.

Kterou Challange také určitě zkusím je Challange 5. Vizualizaci jsem kdysi prováděl, ale jelikož nebylo pro mě prioritou, její plnění jsem nedodržoval. Chci alespoň dvakrát týdně si udělat chvíli pro sebe a během meditace si vizualizovat svou cestu k cíli.

Co také určitě stojí za zvážení je Challange 6. Cookie Jar se mi velmi líbí a přemýšlím, jak a při jaké příležitosti ji zakomponuji do svého života.

Poslední Challange, kterou taktéž musím zkusit je Challange 10. Jednou za týden jsem si vyhradil dopoledne pouze pro sebe a zde chci zanalyzovat svůj uplynulý týden, a následně jej do příštího vylepšit.

Hodnocení: neohodnoceno

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